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General DiscussionTips to raise MMR low levels... (Open my eyes)

Tips to raise MMR low levels... (Open my eyes) in General Discussion

    Hi guys.

    First of all let me thank you for the time u are spending in reading this topic.

    Second of all let me say that this topic is not thought to be like all the others ( it s only team fault bla bla)... I really would like to make an analysis and ask you some tip about the strategy to use in this case. I talk about strategy because i think that in each mmr bracket, if you want to climb, u need to use a different strategy.. people skills change and therefore also the approach to the game.

    About me I am dumb player( ahahah) which is btw 1.5k to 1.8 k and never be able to ranke more than that. I feel like to be stuck in this bracket for ever and will never be able to get out from this..

    I had every kind of thought and tried every kind of role but in this low level forget to play mid unless you will fight every match and sick of that.. if you want to play carry the situation is the same, so what I do is to play either support or offlane.

    It is not that i consider myself like a way better than them but I m def more flexible..I want to win the game and if for a game i need to play offlane or support i ll do it.. i will not be playing the 5th carry, so just that let me wonder some time about their abilities...

    The matter is that plying support sometime frustrates me a lot bcs I support people like who has 9 LH in 10 minutes (seriously happens some time) and that drive me crazy.. I think as support i m good, I some time play with some friends who is btw 3.5 and 4.5k (dont even dare to playe carry there) and I always play a decend-good supp so i think i can handle easily matches around 1.5k.

    The question for 1 million dollars is if you already experienced it and if u can give me some hint about what to do...maybe there is a better support to play at this level? or playing position 4 in offlane is better? offlane i usually play tide hunter and as support WD or lion... I am also good at WK and could play him jungler if all the lanes are gone..but if u play with the wrong people while u jungling you could loose all the lanes and u are fucked up...

    is there any tip you can give me out there?? I would really appreciate it...

    thanks a lot!!


    chicken spook,,,,

      Just do whatever support is supposed to do
      Get some high mmr replays, guides, or whatever

      Tex Hex

        Farm, farm, farm. Ignore stupid team fights and take objectives (towers + racks) while everyone else is spending their time running in circles doing nothing of importance (chasing 1 guy around the map and taking those stupid fights that lead to nothing etc.). Play heroes that can make it out by their own, and heroes that can split push efficiently. Don't play support if you can avoid it. If you decide to play support, build items for yourself and never go full support just for wards etc. because let's be honest, your teammates are not looking at the mini map anyway... Be friendly, mute those that are not and play your own game.

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          Support in 1k. Shadow blade maiden is the way to go. build Damage items and right click. Then buy wards. There's no difference from playing a core honestly. Supporting as a concept doesn't really exist yet. Except just remember to buy wards now and then. Just farm if u need to. And try to be more active in fights. 5 cores is no problem either honestly.

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            You have very little games played. It's a question of just getting better and getting experience.

            The fastest way to do it is to spam a hero until you know the hero well enough to concentrate on the things outside of the hero.

            Muhammad Sumbul
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                The first thing I would recommend is to learn what various heroes contribute to their position, and subsequently the team. I believe that there are 2 levels in understanding, firstly being micro which is the understanding of hero mechanics and knowing what perks/drawbacks a specific hero gives. Second layer being the macro layer, which simply speaking is the reading and understanding the entire game flow of all 9 other heroes and how that would play out together.

                Dota is a team game without a doubt, but teamwork only truly shines when each player understands his/her own role and how that translates into giving your other teammates an easier time. Without skills and knowledge being the foundation, teamwork is merely cheap talk.

                My answer to you would be to learn the game. Learn the roles in dota, and what do different heroes offer in the game, e.g a lion offers more hero kill potential than a shaman, but the latter gives more pushing potential. Give yourself an objective, like last hitting more by improving farming patterns and looking at minimap more. Just blindly playing games wouldn't help you if you have no objectives.

                I could go on but lets start with the basics. We are all in this together, maybe some of us are ahead in a few steps but never stop learning.

                Some quotes that I follow.

                1. Solo q-ing is a good way to improve yourself, because you can only blame yourself when you lose for not playing better. That's the only factor you can control.

                2. You don't solo q for fame and glory. You solo q to raise your skills and elo (mmr) to give your party better quality games.

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                  ^ yup that's pretty good advice for beginners. I approve this message


                    Hey fellow SEA player, can I have a moment to rant how people instapick 3 cores in calibration LUL.

                    < blank >

                      just spam your best hero dood, easy mmr i mean medals i mean stars


                        Actually spamming DOES improve skills, but like I had mentioned its only on the micro part. Drafting, understanding gameflow and powerspikes still require constant analysis to improve.


                          thanks for the advices and I will be keen in following them... I will try to reason more on the picks I do and will try to set some goals as you said.. However i need to realize how to break this bracket levels.... Because if I play with MMR like 700 I win the game alone even though I pick Witch doc.. At the level I m playing now if I dont have at least 1-2 good team members I really cant win I try to be friendly and teach them smt...someone takes ur adivce and someone is simply a jerk... I ll try to be more focused..thanks for the moment..


                            just out farm them its pretty ez to do it in 2k.


                              I play both carry and support

                              and as a support I don't even last hit or stay in 1 place always but wards after CD and sentry ofc dust smoke. tp when needed.
                              Yet still iam still stuck at normal don't know why check my profile and let me know ur advice too


                                in lower skill bracket people usually lack map awareness and they also don't carry TP that much. so if I were you I would have played rat heroes specially Natures Prophet and just focused on farming on the jungle and pushing the towers when everybody else is just fighting for nothing.
                                so just : pick NP => go jungle => in the early game 1 point in your first ability is enough for both escape or killing someone => focus on maxing your second and third ability=> use your ult as soon as it's ready AND you have vision on all the creeps on all the lanes => and just rat any tower in any line that it's free => build shadow blade => continue rating ..... .

                                PS: one more thing, when you are farming in the jungle and you have your teleportation on cooldown you should always be checking the others lanes for any kill potential or courier snipe if it is possible AND safe. I don't mean that you should tp to the lane as soon as your teammates start a fight but if you saw that a low HP enemy is running throw his shrine or base then you can easily TP in front of him, get the kill and TP(using teleport scroll) out.

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                                  Fellow SEA, you can have this 3 advice.
                                  1. Don't be afraid to spam a hero. It's much better than random some unknown hero that make you a feeder. However keep in mind try to learn at least 5 heroes for spamming for each position. I recommend to play Winter Wyvern due to her good skill set against hard hitting hero (due to many people pick PA in SEA). For core, Terrorblade and Luna is recommended due to their flash farming and a pretty decent stats scaling.
                                  2. Support, support and support. The "5 carry = win" word is just a bias and you will never win (but if you lucky enough you can win, but still). If you can't support well, try to watch ward placement video. For heroes other than winter, Ogre and Witch Doctor is good as both of them have good crowd control ability and pretty easy to play.
                                  3. Be "deaf/blind". Not literally. Everybody in SEA either consist a 7 years old kid who play at local internet cafe and probably skip their school, a salty 14 years old who don't even hit puberty yet want to f*** your mom, and decent human being intoxicated by this cancer. Ignore them and mute them if you can


                                    your rant falls on deaf ears because i first pick carry. lul



                                      Haha its fine. I found that alot of sea players can core, but when it comes to drafting and supporting we are pretty lackluster. Had been spamming space cow, works wonders for now 5 for 5.

                                      Derp's missing tax files

                                        Speaking from the position of a 2.2-2.5k solo mmr player, I feel adequate to take on this question. The main difference when I play with my friends who are in your area and my friends who play on the 3k bracket is typically item choices, game decisions, and game knowledge. Don't bother with supporting where you are (although I prefer to roam myself), because the games typically have enough leeway for everyone to get farm. Not sure how it happens, but it's the true magic of 2k.

                                        As far as item choices go, grabbing early game items makes a huge difference. An early counter-rotation via tp can really set the tone for the game and get some decent xp going. Magic wand is one of the most underestimated items in the game imo, buying it on almost every hero is a decent idea (especially against zues/batrider/bristle/etc.)

                                        A good feel for the game is also great in this bracket. One big difference between a w and an l for my games is whether after a good teamfight my team groups to take a tower or not. Bouncing off of that, backing off when players start respawning is equally important. It doesn't mean you have to split up when they do respawn, typically you can go to rosh (granted you have adequate damage), and finish before they catch wind of it.

                                        As a final statement, I think that consistency is great. You don't have to play ONLY one hero, but find ones that you feel comfortable offlaning with, and can have enough game impact to turn teamfights/splitpush/tank (based off what your team needs). It sucks when your carry/mid is retarded, but if you can find a few heroes that you can save games with, stick to them.

                                        69 god

                                          Many people would say pick support. I would tell you to avoid that unless there is some riki or invi hero and you really need supp. Carries there don't know how to make use of ward, vision and supports. They won't ever be near you so that you can use mekanism(for example).
                                          What I did is, learnt few mid heroes. Watch live matches, 7k+ mmr games teach you everything. Watch few games. Try to immitate exactly what they did. Of course this isn't interesting at all but this will help you. Tinker, invoker, sf, storm used to be my cores. Try to get them dive to your tower and get kills with a magic stick/wand and fearie fires.
                                          Be selective on what you watch on YouTube. Pro scene matches and miracle's gameplay for me are more of entertainment than learning.
                                          Try to watch live matches in player perspective it would really help you.
                                          And yeah one thing, if there are 4 supports you unfortunately gotta pick a carry.
                                          "A less farm ogre magi is more useful than a less farmed anti mage". As a solo support forget about your farm and levels. Just try to get your carries rich.

                                          One important thing, people below 2k usually won't push much. This is the biggest mistake. Even if they are winning easily they just keep on farming and killing. In that case just try to defend towers and farm.
                                          Cheers, good luck! :)

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                                          Player 215168758

                                            just a suggestion, "only listen to blue star player, or you will get worse" haha