General Discussion

General Discussionis PA a hard carry or a mid game carry

is PA a hard carry or a mid game carry in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I feel like with her abilities she should be a harder carry than she is. But she seems to lose hard to a lot of other late game carries.

    Also, is battlefury rush back? Hopefully this helps her transition better I know deso rush is OP but love critting a whole group of enemy heroes. So fun.


      I feel like with his abilities he should be a harder carry than he is. But he seems to lose hard to a lot of other late game carries.
      Also, is octarine rush back? Hopefully this helps his transition better I know linken rush is OP but love spamming spell whole group of enemy heroes. So fun.

      NC copy pasta material


        mid game,late game she falls of hard.


          Items counter ber haed thats why, she seems unstoppable in<3k because you don’t see as many forces glimmers and ghosts.

          Rogue Knight

            She can still snowball as a right click hero, can still execute heroes in just two shots or one in every stages of the game...but other hard carries who has high burst dmg or high durability that can withstand her crit (CK,Sven,Axe,BB or any carries that can out carry her) can literally fall her off


              PA is stronger mid game but isn't a hero that if it goes late you're completely screwed with. She just needs more help late game to keep her on top of heroes and keep the rest of them off of her.


                she isnt useless lategame, she just mandates being ahead at every stage to achieve maximum utility
                she does fall off, but against certain lineups u can maintain ur midgame prowess into the lategame


                  She can carry a lot of games. Just get a bloodthorn.

                  Also never first pick her. You pick PA some1 picks timber = gg.

                  If you can get either bf or vlad + deso really fast you can win any game.

                  It's all about good blinks with abyssal + bkb and timing.


                    PA can do a lot of damage late as well. it all depends on the enemy line up. she can be easily made useless late game, thats why most people won't tell u she is hardcarry as she usually shines in midgame


                      u dont go vlads too often anymore on pa
                      its sometimes good, but not go-to

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        lifesteal 4 wat just buy dagon


                          PA is usually a psychological menace too, as a support player myself, I play around the fact that she can pop me like a ripe pimple. I play more passively and try to predict where she is as blur mitigates effectivness of wards that you placed. She deserves a response in the draft as well as itemization thats for sure


                            you need the right items to scale into lategame, that means satanic bkb and cuirass every game or you can't 1v1 their carry

                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              u dont go vlads too often anymore on pa
                              its sometimes good, but not go-to

                              Agreed, MoM is superior

                              Chao Vritra

                                is battlefury rush back tho or just against illusion heroes


                                  Compared to the old patch, changes to mkb gave pa more leeway in the lategame. Of course there are way harder carries, but pa peaks much earlier, so its only fair her late game falls short compared to other heroes.

                                  I find transitioning into late game often lies with game reading and knowing when is a good time to jump in, especially with bkb timings dropping low. I usually stay back until the first barrage of spells have been thrown before jumping in on key targets. Also, bfury is ok against illus lineup, or when your team doesn't need you to fight early. But that said 90% of games you would want to finish deso and abuse your power spike earlier.

                                  But hey, 3 crits in a row is always game changing no matter which stage of the game.

                                  very good csgo player

                                    Play mid against low armor mids = ez game. Look at my profile. End games by 30 min max. Qb + stout shield 2 mangos. Aquila, phase into deso then MoM. Rosh and push mid

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                                    Chao Vritra

                                      wow MD 74 percent WR with PA after 113 games? That is nice. Nice WR too btw. I alwas felt she is stronger mdi than safelane

                                      very good csgo player

                                        I feel it's the only hero I can play at an above 5k level. It's quite decent versus most ranged midlaners, a dagger when the enemy mid toggles aggro is extremely painful as the creeps will be able to hit as well as the 80+ dmg. I just wish I could play ranked with normal ping not 280.

                                        Chao Vritra

                                          wow, you have that WR above 5k? That is amazing. Would it be OK if I added you on steam just so I can watch some of your replays? And I feel your pain, I never had ping issues but I played for years on a joke PC and got bad frames. Is there something you can do? My buddy plays on US servers from very far away idk how he does it.

                                          very good csgo player

                                            I sent you a friend request bro


                                              I find if ur gonna bully someone mid as pa it's worth to get oov


                                                Can someone teach me how to pa. I have 50% wr


                                                  More likely a midgame carry. That is how most people are playing her. She can play hard for sure, but it's quite risky to have a hard carry that relies on burst damage and chance. She also lacks good disables. Battlefury is a must have for hard carry because you will need to be able to hit multiple targets in fights.

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