General Discussion

General DiscussionHonest rating about your hand speed and coordination?

Honest rating about your hand speed and coordination? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    1-10, 10 being the highest.

    How do you honestly rate your hand eye coordination in dotes? Also, what factors do you think contributes in having slow, avg or fast hands? Kindly share your thoughts pls. Thanks!

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      Slow, Hence I pick brain dead supports or offlaners.

      my reaction time, handspeed is all slow. I have to use good positioning to succeed in this game. I cannot play heros that require alot of APM's

      I am just bad at this game.


        basically non existent.


          i dont think u need hand dexterity much in dota. just a min which most gamers have.

          coordination and pure reflex has to do with ur brain. reflex is something ur born with.


            like 2. I'm not good at hitting multiple buttons at once.


              2, because im stupid and im playing on small table that even my small mousepad cant fit on it


                i got pretty sick APM. and ppl always try to juke my bladefury but they cant cuz i got monster reflexes. bitches

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                Soggy Bottom Boy

                  0.5 lmao

                  chicken spook,,,,


                    I got to 4 digit rank in osu by memorizing everything


                      Almost 0


                        7 or 8

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          my hand reacts rather fast to what my eye sees but between my supbar mouse accuracy, the mouse itself(it sometimes becomes uncontrollable or irresponsive) and my tendency to panic id say ~4 or so

                          had a mouse "unplug" itself today for 5 seconds while i was in brew ult which made me miss a kill and die :)))



                            Old Viper was too complex for me


                              Pretty low I guess.
                              When I'm radiant and I want to back I always end up clicking on the minimap.
                              I often cslul because I click on the wrong creep.


                                Just play osu! and your reflex will improve a lot except its almost useless for dota because it's more about positioning and decision making

                                69 god

                                  Core invoker, tinker player. But sometimes I play like a dumb person. Just go at the enemy high ground and farm and die. Fast hands, quick reaction but noob. :)
                                  Consider me 7


                                    i always switch between courier and my main hero so i have 300 apm. i would say 9.5/10. only miracle has more apm i would say.


                                      I'd say 4-5 at best. The heroes I pick are pretty brain dead to play, like WK and sniper.




                                          When I was younger I was like a 7 but now I'm just a lowly 3-4 unless I'm panicky then it is a 10 with absolutey failure button mashing.

                                          Riguma Borusu


                                            I actually have a neurological issue that stops my hands from being very agile and useful (that is not the case why my MMR is so low, though, I just didn't put any effort).


                                              Ok guys. If you're like me and like to tease axes in plain vision so they blink call and u manta dodge that shit, id say you guys are not the grandpas you claim to be.


                                                I'm looking at u cuki. Can u manta dodge ?

                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                  around 0-1

                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                    i cant pass 2 star song in osu


                                                      I can manta dodge in like 50% if i have Vision on axe.


                                                        Overall I'd say 4. Generally speaking I'm very slow. Imo it depends on the age a player is, but most importantly on their lifestyle. Slow hands mean slow brain, a slow brain is typical of people who don't sleep well, are distracted, don't eat clean or are in a bad mental state. This is my case.

                                                        The ridiculous thing is that I become ridiculously fast when I play Voker, especially with the eul+ghost walk combo to escape. I can so be fast it looks like I'm scripting. And I have 43% wr on the hero lmao.


                                                          For my skill level I wouldn't call myself a particularly skilled mechanical player, I can't play any micro hero or stuff like Tinker/Invoker to save my life. That being said compared to the average Dota 2 player I'm sure I'd dumpster them. So 8/10


                                                            its been 2 months since i tried adding 2 new hotkeys and i still miss them most of the time



                                                              Hartz. That's not so bad. I'd give u a 7/10 then.


                                                                A strong 5. When I play I usually have something cooking. Too distracted switching attention from the game and from the potential fire hazard in the other room



                                                                  The DarKNovA

                                                                    I got quick hands, if 400+ APM is anything to go by, and never had difficulties using as many hotkeys as I want, but about my coordination, I can't really get any kind of objectivity about it, so no rating.

                                                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                                                      Hand eye coordination have little to do with mad skillz in game.
                                                                      This game is heavily muscle memory based.
                                                                      listening to sound ques and looking at animations are what help you react.


                                                                        In Dota? Like a fucking 1


                                                                          On an average day I would say around 6, but then there are these days where I'm just in the zone with a heart rate of 300 and and my reaction time jumps to around 9