General Discussion

General DiscussionJust a MMR climb question

Just a MMR climb question in General Discussion
AggreSive Clown

    Well guys i am back into the game for like 2 weeks...I used to be around 4,7-5k mmr before my quit (a year and half nearly). My brother and some other friends used to play some games and i found the acc at 3k mmr. I clearly understand and feel that i am not a 5kmmr at the moment missing many mechanics ingame and reactions i used to have. BUT at the moment i lay around 2,6k !!! and thats clearly not my mmr. With people dual miding picking Am for offlane or dual farming safe.Things that i ve never saw before.Is there a chance and a way moving out of this toxicity? Or should i just pratice here and create a new account to get the calibrated MMR. I d love to know if anyone has an idea to offer about climbing from here. For me it seems impossible.Lost games while i had 3-4 levels diff or 300-400 gpm diff on early-mid game from the 2nd player on the graphs...


      2,6 is your new MMR. Enjoy. You're not better than that, accept that fact first if you want to improve.
      Good luck!