General Discussion

General Discussiontoxic levels through the roof since new ranked.

toxic levels through the roof since new ranked. in General Discussion

    I always enjoyed a bit of flaming but jesus I haven't had a normal game in weeks. always 3 fighting for mid/carry and the one who doesn't get it ruins the game. Please god what happened?


      Turbo mode happened. More players came back for calibration.


        turbo mode was a mistake


          Welcome on board sir.

          Besides the fact that a lot of players that had stopped playing in the last months have now come back to try the new system and are absolute trash, I think they made some major change about the behavior score system. I'm not sure yet but if I'll keep noticing things that confirm my thought I'll go into it.

          Also why is turbo being linked to toxicity? ^


            I'm not positive but I believe it might have something to do with the popular "spam turbo for behavior score farm" thing that people started doing. Since the games are so fast, you quickly accumulate the report cycle amount and rise quickly from the toxic retards in F to Normal in just 1 day of gaming. Basically people belonging in low prio showing up in normal behavior score in mass was the impression I got. Correct me if I'm wrong.

            cinnamon boy

              yup just look at my last few games. constant dual mids and jungles ruining it. valve seriously need to do something about game ruiners or this game is gonna keep spiraling on this downward path


                Yes. Spam turbo for good BS is a plausible reason. Its why SLQ went back to normal and started ruining people game. Lul. Just kidding mate.


                  Oh I see, I am one of the players who abused that system. But I don't think that's the reason 'cause the situation dramatically changed immediately after the update, when no one had recalibrated yet and people still hadn't find this way to get out of bad behavior score.


                    Turbo mode is toxic pool itself. I knew this because I was forced to play with my friends to achieve his All heroes challenge for month. I don't know why people tend to type "EZ" "noob" in this mode when they play all carry and won.


                      I've never used the mute button until this patch. Before, I'd laugh off toxic players and continue to play as normal. But all the low BS people are getting back to normal with the bullshit of turbo, getting matched with decent people(like I try to be), and I'm going crazy


                        I don't notice toxic players because I'm the toxic one first picking carries