General Discussion

General Discussionwho is the oldest dog here?

who is the oldest dog here? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    unless you are old man fear we all know age can take a skill on dota skill. maybe not on a basic casual level of play but in competitive play or sure.

    28 old dog =( have to play support now and teach the carry kids


      32. very old.

      死の恐怖 Haseo


        me, government hooker

          im 3

          Friendly player

            I'm 11.

            Fee Too Pee

              i am 12 btw


                18 and smarter than y'all combined (play pos 1-5).


                  Mental age is pretty low im sure xD

                  < blank >

                    yoshi, the grandest magus

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                      said archon 4 with 3k games LUL



                        Bad Intentions

                          1986 born

                          Friendly player

                            so that's 15years


                              im 17, but i think yoshi is the oldest, tho its close to stent im not sure


                                17 young boys




                                    @nanny@washedup how are you both 1k and 2k with 17 years old ? are you mentaly challenged ? now is our peak time in life and you are stuck at 2k rofl


                                      Age =/= skill


                                        born in 1993


                                          Kids kids kids.. 1985 here

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            30+ and still play dota :thinking:

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                                              Yep. And play basketball, create a tech startup, have a full time day job, spend time with wife and baby, invest in stocks. Yep 30+ and playing :D



                                                Potato Marshal

                                                  Why are old people (30+) so terrible at video games? :thinking:

                                                  Gab Nuwoll

                                                    34. I had a lot of abandons when I started in 2012 because I had a newborn baby.


                                                      Nearly 37. I suck but still enjoy playing games . Well when the wife agro is low :)

                                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                        video games is for teenagers . old man can get the fuck out


                                                          People cant understand especially Gen Z kids.

                                                          Millennials in the range of 30 and above are the 1st batch of modern PC Gamers.

                                                          We were somewhere in high school when Starcraft and World of Warcraft 1st came out.

                                                          Why can't you see 40-60 yr old people playing PC games? Coz they didnt have the modern games we experienced during teenage years.

                                                          So yes, sometime in the future, we will be the 1st batch of 40, 50 or 60 yr old adults who would still be casually playing such games.

                                                          And no, this hobby has nothing to do with responsibility, maturity, meaningful life, etc

                                                          Again kids...


                                                            28 here!


                                                              Well said BlackXargon . Yes i remember trying to play DAOC on a dial up modem and always being disconnected if someone rang the house .


                                                                Im 22.

                                                                kädili somsa

                                                                  Im 24. Trying to hit 5k. Can i do it? or just quiut doto?


                                                                    22, feel old tho

                                                                    < blank >

                                                                      Lex here, 30 years old almost now. Im actually playing a lot worse than I used to play. Sold all items yestarday, feel rich now. I miss my golden AM weapons though.


                                                                        30 YEARS OLD boys! ez leaderboard


                                                                          32, i will play until i have kids with the wifey.


                                                                            18 young boish


                                                                              18ish here

                                                                              Road to 1K

                                                                                Does it matter if you are old and still playing dota?
                                                                                This is the only game that i've been played for years and i dont think i will stop anysoon.
                                                                                How about you guys?

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                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  "34. I had a lot of abandons when I started in 2012 because I had a newborn baby."

                                                                                  Same only I am 33!

                                                                                  < blank >

                                                                                    old people haha

                                                                                    Friendly player

                                                                                      i'm sixty three and i still play this game


                                                                                        Any problem with above 40s playing this game?
                                                                                        I think we who can afford a few arcanas are the right people Valve should cater to.
                                                                                        This game should continue well into pensionable age.


                                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                                          Somehow I immediately guessed you were sub-50% and sub-2k when you said you were 40

                                                                                          Road to 1K

                                                                                            @Potato: what is the relationship between age and mmr?


                                                                                              Wtf u mean why am I 2k at 17?
                                                                                              How is my age correlated to MMR?
                                                                                              I'm climbing anyway


                                                                                                wife agro

                                                                                                i like that lmao


                                                                                                  48 years old


                                                                                                    28 and im sure i will never stop playing games,wife agro good shit 😅

                                                                                                    ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                                                      17 and i dont feel productive rofl