General Discussion

General DiscussionBest lane bully?

Best lane bully? in General Discussion

    Hi all,

    As per title, I was wanting to find out who the biggest lane bully is? Specifically as a support.

    A friend of mine is just starting out and I want to give him a hand.

    My initial thoughts were ogre with his hp regen/ignite spam, Jakiro, even dazzle.

    Any comments are most welcome!



      Shaman or ww. I mean, look at that ridiculous 80 attack damage

      Jug+shaman : 0-10 minute6 offlaner


        Bane is also rlly good

        Potato Marshal

          Dazzle only really works well against melee heroes, skywrath is really annoying if you don't have a way to cancel clarities. Jakiro and Lich are really good too, but I'm a bit biased towards them.

          Palmen aus Plastik

            not a full support, but a pos. 3/4 batrider hands down.


              lich is great too for teaching a newcomer. just have him spamming sac mostly


                If you’re an offlaner with no escape definitely ogre

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                  Roaming qop

                  Forced Storm

                    depends on enemy pick..
                    shadow shaman - due high base dmg
                    (support) weaver with Geminate Attack and Shukuchi is verry anoying
                    ogre, wd, riki


                      really depends
                      some heroes dont care about magic harassment, some can completely ignore physical harassment of any kind, some can deal with melee but get kited by ranged supports

                      i personally hate strong slows as offlaner
                      when i play pos5 and feel like i have to fuck with the offlaner, no matter what, i pick skywrath. annoying consistant dmg, both physical and magic, plus amazing base momevement speed
                      i'd commit an ult in most cases to cancel a clarity on him

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                        Fee Too Pee

                          easy safe lane carry with SOLO EXP, SECURE FARMED WITHOUT SUPPORT:


                          Lruce Bee

                            One of the better lane bullies is undying paired with another aggressive partner like spirit breaker or shadow demon with orb of venom. If u don't get OOV, get phase boots quickly before 15 mins


                              there we go again


                                Bane is such an asshole


                                  Ogre, Shaman and Dazzle. Ogre spams right clicks, shaman does the same, and with the new poison touch Dazzle is probably one of the best zoning supports in lane right now.

                                  Lruce Bee

                                    Bane hardly does anything

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      the herald/crusader knowledge bombs in this thread is insane!!

                                      Lruce Bee

                                        Aside from brain sap, Let's sleep you and do nothing; let's cast enfeeble on you to annoy you but do nothing else. I enjoy playing against bane supports as they often overestimate the power of brain sap.


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                                            Clinkz is probably the best lane harrass. 70 damage orb attacks from 670 range away.


                                              HAHAHAH can someone Ban HanSolo from ever posting on these forums ?
                                              Bane, Shadow Shaman, and Shadow demon are my top picks
                                              Special mention to Lich, Dazzle and of course Disruptor


                                                there is very few heroes that can man up early against bane and ogre


                                                  a sky spamming q is also pretty annoying
                                                  or a 84398574392769 hp 34975893457 armor bara


                                                    with 3050% chance to bash*

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                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                      Just pick treant against bane and enjoy your easy life


                                                        ye good luck harassing a 310 base ms 4 base armor hero as 270 movespeed hero
                                                        works as long as bane doesnt purchase detection


                                                          Best lane bully is Undying, all he needs is a perseverance and an aghs, no boots required


                                                            ^ This
                                                            The most trending # For 2018 on DotaBuff Forums xD

                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                              Ive been bullying anyone in my lane for weeks now.


                                                                on tb?
                                                                you never lane vs nukers?

                                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                  If we look at current pro meta, it seems that bane and shaman are the main candidates
                                                                  Shaman has insane right click, and he busts a decent 2.67 armor, making him very good at trading hits, also he has nice nuke and a shackle that punishes you hard for positioning

                                                                  Bane is even more tanky with 660 hp and 4.83 armor. And has brain sup to make trading impossible, he is a nightmare against solo heroes


                                                                    they pick bane for setting up ganks and taking one enemy out of a fight, shaman is for chain disable aswell paired with pushing and teamfight. the lane presence is just a bonus probably.
                                                                    if you look again you will see that nightstalker is the worst nightmare in the right hands, thats why hes banned every game

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                                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                                      Can't argue with you etd, you seem to understand less conventional ways of playing well.



                                                                          Lich, or Omni/ogre


                                                                            I like Witch Doctor as a support. You got a good stun... Insane damage with Maledict and the aura to heal your rookie friend through the mistakes he/she will make... And at lvl 6 you can basically solo kill anyone. It is just really good at the moment as a laning phase baby sitter and doesn't lose relevance when going further into the game... But if you are looking for some real hate inducing laning heroes, well, Huskar is on top of that list. It is a total nightmare versus any melee hero...

                                                                            Cores for the new player should probably include Wraith King with the aura vampirism and a reliable stun and the inbuilt crit is always nice too... And that resurrection can really erase mistakes made by new players...


                                                                              ^ on the topic, watch them Perma abuse Q to Stun and end up with no mana for resurrection xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


                                                                                then u can hear Harolds abusing chat sayin Game bugged Ulti doesn't work GG volvo


                                                                                  How is bane not good at harassing
                                                                                  His base dmg is rlly high
                                                                                  He is fast
                                                                                  Brain sap
                                                                                  Wtf offlaner trades against that?

                                                                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                    yea bane is a big lane bully nowadays, he and shaman, shaman risen to the top in 7.06 because of his right click changes, the hero himself is the same, bu now he is also an early right click machine, and he is surprisingly tanky at level 1 compare to the impressiong

                                                                                    but bane is always the ultimate lane bully

                                                                                    also i see more ogre magi comes back into the meta

                                                                                    ns is not really a bully, he is also not really a laner, he is very good at ganknig and surprizing but not at bullying


                                                                                      Thing with ogre is that since he is melee he draws and fucks up creep agro too

                                                                                      Manhattan Cafe

                                                                                        u get nothing u lose


                                                                                          Support antimage
                                                                                          Ez blink
                                                                                          Ez wards


                                                                                            Thanks everyone, I had forgotten about skywraith.

                                                                                            Bane also a great option to babysit a newbee, the sleep save and fiends grip to setup some easy kills.

                                                                                            (SMURF) 5k

                                                                                              Sky is most annoying hero as support