General Discussion

General DiscussionSumiya's on to something here...

Sumiya's on to something here... in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    For 3k and below...Invokers struggling in lane due to incessant ganks, it is VERY wise to skip midas. Two Nulls, a wand, a ward and power treads into Aghanim is the way to go. For mids who like to move around the map using spells, this is definitely the better build. If you're guaranteed farm space, Midas will of course work wonders, but if you are ganked to oblivion and your supports are not helping you for whatever reason, do what I said. I promise you won't regret it. (If it makes you feel better, Sumiya goes this build every game). Just putting it out there. Game's too fast for a Midas now me thinks.

    One drawback to it: by the time you get Aghs you wont be as high a level as you'd expect, which means EMP won't be as good starting out (3/4 Wex points at most), plus you will run out of mana a lot. Prepare for at least 5 clarities beforehand. And finally, you won't be able to split push as efficiently, and you shouldn't. This build is about fighting with the team. Don't farm your own jungle passively.


      i didnt see it from that perspective yet, usually you will have a ton of space in a 2k game anyway without the threat of the game closing early. so most likely it doesnt matter and you can get away with terrible aghs timings.

      imo invoker should be 100% avoided in solo ranked below 5k unless youre a 5k smurf

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      Palmen aus Plastik

        oh i beg to differ. for stubborn fools like me this is the only way out. If you think they don't pressure lanes, you are wrong. I must say 2k standards have definitely improved since you may or may not have been one. I am straddling the fence at 3.1k MMR myself, so I get a fair few 2ks in my games. They don't group up and end the game as they should, but do everything in their power to crush mid lanes with 3/4 men ganks within the first 7 minutes. I wouldn't presume to ask you to look at one of my match replays where I got trashed by ganks even though i was outcsing the midlaner, but if you would pick anyone of the invoker games I lost, this is the most important reason. I have a 23 min Aghs and Midas, by that time every tier 1 tower is down, and tier 2 mid is threatened.


          Don't pick invoker if you want to win games


            i just pick fast heroes, no matter what position, get my 1-2 core items, buy smokes and press to finish. every game. huge success in 3k.

            take all tier 2 before 20min


            from my pov mid players tend to have very little impact because of this trilane mid meta

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              Yup. I found out that if I skip Midas in low rank and go for Aghanims instead I will have better winrate since I'll be able to cover for my teammates as soon as possible even if it's actually just 2 mins but it indeed helped a lot to control the tempo of the game

              Palmen aus Plastik

                Exactly my thoughts. All my lanes lose hard anyway, so I really need the Aghanims to turn fights around. If the lanes are winning, Midas is fine.


                  I've gotten an 11 min Midas then a 16 min aghs ama


                    Depending on which bracket you are playing on. On lower brackets I'd advice players NOT to skip Midas, as tendencies to prolong game due to inefficient capitalizing of advantages are prevalent, and also most of the time lower bracket players will have inefficient farming patterns so Midas will give you the resources to keep up the exp differences. On a higher brackets definitely what you have mentioned is true, the worst thing is that an Invoker have to choose between farming and playing a 4v5 game or to turn up to throw 3 spells with minimal effect.

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                      Story Time

                        invoker midas after last nerfs is a joke and autolose


                          ^what this guy said

                          Just go treads wand aghs you're good to go
                          fuck midas

                          Palmen aus Plastik

                            well you shouldn't Mekarazium, if a divine player started looking towards an archon for advice these are dark times indeed, my friend. xD


                              dont underestimate archons😅 many are decent players nowadays.... i like invoker who moves around the map who help kills and take towers early... it helps your support to get utility items and buy wards... plus, enemy will intend to play safer thus reducing their farming. enemy support will be poorer coz they will eventually place defensive wards, and as a support player, i focus dewarding, no gold is lost as it gives gold as well 😁. thats when i started investing blocking enemies neutral camp with wards further reduce their farming time.


                                Doesn’t invo need 25 asap more than any hero? So midas is the thing that helps with that? I’m not an invo player btw


                                  Im sure if youre in that bracket its wise to skip invoker entirely

                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                    yes but the point of this build is to get xp by pushing towers and getting kills with nuke combo made available very early by the Aghs. So snowballing like a DK i guess, instead of methodical farm and splitpushing like Tinker. Those tomes though are necessary in this build. It helps for sure.

                                    Palmen aus Plastik

                                      it may be wise, kyle, but not very desirable, so we do what we can to work around our deficiencies. As an experienced Invoker player yourself, perhaps you can give some other advice?


                                        dont underestimate heralds😅 many are decent players nowadays


                                          Invoker is not a dk or a tinker

                                          Palmen aus Plastik

                                            ^are you a wizard? :o How did you know?!!

                                            Visita Hari Danta


                                              nice jk m8 i r8 it 8/8