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General DiscussionMeepo Advice, HELP PLS

Meepo Advice, HELP PLS in General Discussion
Machado98 #xatubaking

    Hi I am a meepo spammer and although I am not a meepo god I can still impress and usually carry my 2k teammates. I always enjoyed picking him soon so I can play against some counters and practice, the thing is, since the meepo meta changed from BoTs rush to early PT and stats, I cant win as much, if at all.

    Since I never stopped playing meepo, logic says that I just got better at the hero, my mediocre micro isn't rusted or anything, so why am I losing so much with the hero? Should I save meepo to last pick only and avoid counters at all costs? Or should I stop playing him now that he is a tempo hero and 2k teams have no coordination to end a game fast? Should I go back to the BoTs and Aghs rush and make it work since afterall it is 2k? Should I work on micro to increase my XPM and GPM? Maybe just farm and only fight after blink and hex?

    BTW I am also having tons of trouble with the early game, I just can't win mid against classic mid heroes, specially Invoker and Tinker, what can I do to win mid? And what can I do if I lose it and have a really bad early game?

    Thank you for your time and advice :)


      if u cant win at mid, ask your support to babysit you at mid. and YES SAVE YOUR MEEPS TO LAST PICK because it's not fun having sven cleaving all your families right ?

      Machado98 #xatubaking

        @koyomi i can ask for ganks but they will never babysit, it's 2k hahaha Sven usually isn't a problem if the offlaner doesn't feed, but I will try to last pick it anyway since Winter Wyvern and an Aghanims Tinker make me shit myself


          Sven and Wyvern are the only counters you have to worry about.

          Tinker and Invoker are actually the easiest hero to gank on mid. Just ask support to come help you gank. With a little bit of help you can kill anyone from your lvl 3.

          If your support doesnt help you, try to get as many cs as possible and stack jungle with the other meepo. Thats pretty much it. Pt + 2xWraith Band + dagger + dragon Lance and you are ready to F anyone in the asss.

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            Not the best meepo but I know how to play it.

            Before you play meepo, take this pointers:

            -never 1st pick a meepo.
            -analyse your opponent. Avoid your usual predator. Among them are axe, warlock, wyvern, sven, ES, etc). You can still outplayed them but its hard.
            -learn how to quick cast in order to use the poof blink combo a lot better.
            -the item progression. When to buy blink, hex, eblade etc.
            -play smart. I have a match here where they have good counters vs me: an axe, silencer, MK, and zEuS but still have a good gpm/xpm (689/980). learn when farm, to rat, and to blink in.

            Practice in normal match or bot first. Learn the curve.


              You always go for blink. Most of the times you want hex after primary items. Eblade only against heavy rightclickers eg. PA. After that a stat item like Skadi or Manta for baiting enemy ultimates eg. Chrono.

              Es is ez to play around. He cant kill you solo due to your high magic resistance. Warlock is just a creep. Axe is a threat - you cant get initiated on. Same like playing against ES.

              Quick cast is a double edge sword. It will also affect your nets, you will make more missplays with that option on.

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                Im pretty sure you can turn on quick cast for poof and turn it off for net


                  Hero is unplayable now


                    I think meepo is one of those heroes which has many counters. Especially late game. If u are carrying alone then it gets tough to win.

                    Tomas Morato

                      meepo got nerfed not gonna play that hero again in my life

                      Tomas Morato

                        try using meepo script


                          due to your high magic resistance

                          PUSSY EATER 5000

                            1. Avoid counters at all costs. Especially Lich. There's almost nothing you can do vs Lich ult esp if he has Aghs.

                            2. You need to realize that meepo is also a fast jungler. If you see that mid / safe lane are taken , or you just won't survive that lane, and that you're offlaner has a hero who won't feed if he is solo, and if the enemy does not have a roamer like BH / RIKI / Pudge / Rubick then you can actually jungle as well. At lvl 3 you clear jungle camps so fast and if you stack camps and farm effeciently you should be equal to or just a tiny bit behind enemy carry. This works great in low mmr games where people won't pressure you. You come out of the jungle, net poof , kill , and now you just got lvls and gold that u missed out on because people underestimate meepo.

                            #2 is just to let you know.

                            3. BOTS is not out of meta.. it actually helps tons............. Meepo benefits greatly from movement speed, it allows you to pressure towers and also heroes once you have blink...

                            4. You need to have good judgement and you need to find kills around the map.

                            5. Dont feed because meepo is usually a gold mine to enemy team cause he's ahead in gold and exp.

                            6. If you can't win mid then stack jungle camps


                              1. Try not to firstpick him. You don't even have to go mid/safelane to win the game with Meepo. I've won plenty of Meepo games with offlane or jungle Meepo.

                              2. If you can't win or farm midlane, clear the wave with poof(doable after lvl 2 poof) and switch to the jungle. Repeat after the creep wave meets enemy creep wave. (creeps meet aproximatly at 20 and 50 sec)..

                              3. You have huge kill potential at lvl 3. Bait with one meepo, spawn other one if you hit the net. Ask for some help if it's doable

                              4. Starting build(don't fucking change it, always go this:) Qualing, Tango, stout shield, 3x wraith band, power treads:

                              At this point it depends: do they have heroes you can kill? Get blink: keep farming and find kiils with main meepo. If they don't have killable heroes, for example, they have: Bristleback, Weaver, Riki, Chaos Knight and idk, WW: get Etheralblade, farm up your blink. Farm and split them.

                              5. The way you win games with Meepo is not by fighting enemies, it's by taking right objectives. Teammates start a fight they'll lose? Split enemy team or take their towers if they don't want to rotate.

                              6. Always watch enemy team for TP-scrools and try to control their jungle if you can. Always push the waves so that enemy can show up and make a mistake.

                              7. Take advantage of getting early rosh if possible.

                              8. Don't get fucking AGHS on Meepo. It's useless. You don't need it. After blink you either get Etheralblade or HEX, I usually go Etherallade > Hex.

                              9. Items like Silver Edge, Heart, Silence, Aghs, Manta are highly situational and I wouldn't recommend getting them.

                              10. Split Meepos. Don't farm with 3 Meepos at the same spot.

                              11. Sometimes, you can get blink and fast travels, and keep spliting the enemy. However, usually its not good idea to rush Travels..

                              12. Stop getting dragon lance unless you want to fight for some reason or you want to end the game superfast with your team(like pre 20 min).. Better just stop getting it, it's fucking stupid imo.

                              13. While stacking Eblades can work, I strongly sugest getting HEX or Skadi intead of mindless stacks of eblades.. it can work but it's really not that good

                              14. Avoid picking Meepo into Meduza/Sven:

                              15. If you happen to play against heroes above, never get AGHS or stupid 28 min hex. The way to win against them is farming your items way faster, and not russing 15 min aghs... Just forget about aghs. please.

                              16. One more time, you don't win by fighting you win by taking objectives. meepo is objectives. Meepo is towers. Meepo is ancient destroying. He's not fucking Slark who chases people with Shadow Blade. If you wanna gank/chase people, wrong hero you have choosen..

                              17. Your tower damage is criminal. Push fucking towers..


                                Oh, btw, always use quickcast. Playing Meepo without quickcast is literally retarded.

                                Btw, you can add me and I'll help as much as I can. I got coached by very good Meepo player - Cookie, and I think everything I have to say is most likely legit, since it's not what I actually figured out but way better players..

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                                  no, boots>wraiths/bracers> treads

                                  and it's 10x better to go eblade> blink than blink> eblade

                                  especially since you got completely freefarm in that bracket

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                                    this hero relies on you being completely better than everyone to succeed. one of main str is ppl underestimate his solo kill potental in mid lane. if you are not winning mid, i suggest u practice 1 v 1 games. well, you dont have to always win mid, but the very annoying thing about this hero is how quickly he farms in early game. you could just disappear before the laning phase is over and come out before 20 mins any kill anyone because you are 10 levels above.

                                    don't forget you can take rosh very easily. if you are 2k, i would suggest learning how to be very efficient with the hero in terms of farms. then make sure you're always getting rosh in every game. then next learn about items.


                                      "this hero relies on you being completely better than everyone to succeed"

                                      Not true. I am not completely better than everyone at my bracket yet I succeed with Meepo. 73% winrate this month on him.

                                      The hero is all about objectives. Once you realize that, you don't have to be super good.



                                        My Medal wont increase why Still crusader


                                          I avoid Sven at all costs. I don't mind Shaker, Lich, Axe, WW much; they're very annoying, but you can work around them, by microing your clones and positioning properly so that their anti-Meepo spells, which rely on the Meepos being grouped up, aren't maximized. But Sven just shreds you all stages of the game, because he doesn't mind smacking a single Meepo to death.


                                            meepo OMEGALUL
                                            ded hero