General Discussion

General DiscussionHELP! how to win as shaman?

HELP! how to win as shaman? in General Discussion

    This hero is just super difficult to play, I cant win with him... How to play this hero?


      Is this a troll


        no, i seriously have 20% win rate as him


          oh rip man :-D just like my wr as disruptor. I usually go for this type of skill build: 1-3-1-2-1-4-1-3. I prefer choosing the first spell first because it's annoying as fuck and deals a lot of damage. Even though the CD of it got nerfed it's still op imo. I usually build mana boots into glimmer cape/force. A good item for him imo is aether lens.

          Potato Marshal

            My SS winrate is shit too, I have like a 43% winrate, probably because I try to go for aghs too often even when I shouldn't .


              shaman god here AMA


                question 1: How do you itemize if the enemy team have an invis hero, and ur the solo support, and ur ganks never worked out because of retard carries, at minute 20, enemy supports are 2k gold ahead of u and blocked ancient camps, while ur carry keeps on feeding..


                  you don't

                  since game is lost already

                  Potato Marshal

                    Get a gem?

                    Player 153433446

                      Blink aetherlens is op


                        I realized that im only consistent as pos 4, thanks or the answers though

                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                          -drop snek at towers


                            ? Tb raped my luna, now he destroys sets of wards in 4 seconds


                              Idk how to play shaman but whenever I see them they just click buttons and win


                                Win early game with most broken early game disable. If u can't win early game u kinda deserve to lose


                                  Then u could always try rat shaman. Good wave clear and tower dmg


                                    Aether is strong


                                      Ofc He would win early game


                                        Learn not to die

                                        GRANT MACDONALD

                                          I also find it really hard to win with him. When you shackle someone, it is basically signaling the enemy team, "hey, all of you come blow me up right now" and they usually do.


                                            I've a 64% winrate on shaman. This is what I do with shackles, I win all 3 lanes with shackles when the enemy team isnt grouped. Then come mid game I feed in the exact manner described above and get carried to victory. 1.9 kda. Ez af

                                            This comment was edited
                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                              shaman bonus hero today :)


                                                U reach a point as shaman where if they try to cancel shackles, ur far enough ahead that ur carries massacre them