General Discussion

General DiscussionManfight lycan mom sny

Manfight lycan mom sny in General Discussion

    idk, sny gives ms to farm, and slows to chase, what u guys think?

    Cheesy Wenis

      It can work, but consider how much DPS the item slot is giving you. Necronomicon level 1 provides +200DPS while the minions are active. Does MoM or SnY provide 200 DPS by themselves?

      Sange into Heavens is also pretty good.

      one syllable anglo-saxon


        Dire Wolf

          Seems bad. Lycan doesn't need lifesteal cus of his crazy regen, doesn't need speed when fighting cus of ult. S&y just to farm seems a little dubious.


            how about lycan with battlefury, lul


              if u consider SnY, why not to go for a halebard


                If you build MoM why not follow up with Armlet? Slows are nice to help your team chase but you can actually munch people down on your own a lot of the time.


                  wolves no need SNY.

                  i follow Jesus.

                    so ur buying a 4k gold item known for its usage as to cripple enemy carry heroes and using it instead to farm another item? what item would that be?
                    all lycan needs is an atk speed buff (mask supplies it; if you wanna farm, buy a maelstrom. if you're feeling 'slow', pay the very very expensive 250g for a wind lace.) and magic immunity. his whole kit covers everything.
                    if you need to farm creeps instead of enemy supports, you're playing the wrong league of newerth of legends.

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                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      Dogshit,helber much better for the disable.

                      If you want to kill fast go build crit or dmg item.

                      The time u use to chase and kill 1 hero I will be already finished them and on my way to other place


                        yea but lycan ult now has freakin 100 cd with max 26 duration.
                        and lycan already have good crit(better than jugger i believe).
                        idk but if u chase somebody with 500 ms(like razor or smth) u will kill it, but then u are on other side of the map with ult already ending.


                          and necronomicon, i know lvl 3 necro archer have slow, but then u arent going to win manfight against lategame cores with necro.


                            sny feels super wasted money oO you want to manifhgt? mom armlet ac... need slow? skadi or echo. need more dmg? deso/ac/solar. need to survive? bkb or halberd.

                            special mention: nullifier lets you stay on target and offers decent dmg (also really good effect!)

                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              Wasn't it the meta few patches ago when necro was awful?


                              Cheesy Wenis

                                but then u arent going to win manfight against lategame cores with necro

                                Why not? Necro provides more DPS than both MoM and SnY. Has nothing to do with the slow or purge (although those are useful for other reasons). If you want to straight up fight then you need DPS.


                                  idk but if u chase somebody with 500 ms(like razor or smth) u will kill it, but then u are on other side of the map with ult already ending.

                                  why would you chase the razor? kill all the supports first :-D and when there is onyl one core getting away, thats okay. go hg or end game^^


                                    Yea necro gives more dps, but cd reliant and if it is on cd when u are fighting their core u only got 20str from a 5k item, and sny slows ur target AS too iirc.
                                    Nullifier is good, but the build up is bad.
                                    You dont really want skadi as first big item on lycan.
                                    The problem with armlet is, if the game dragged long enough it will only gimp ur late game.

                                    Idk, but im goind treads mom then sny, so i can fight well with ult, good enough with no ult, and can farm fast enough when not fighting.


                                      i mean if you really want that ms/as for farm, then why not get drums and a basher afterwards. close to the same price but drums+basher gives more dmg/has more value..sny really wasted gold^^

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                                        Lycan isn't abt running down heroes he is abt taking buildings
                                        U don't need to chase them all down and fight them, u just need to destroy the ancient


                                          But drums is not good for lategame.
                                          But the ancient is right in front of the fountain, that dying troll is now full hp again and ready to kick ur ass


                                            If you're going for the rightclick/manfight lycan build i dont see why would you buy Sny whem echo saber is 30% cheaper and provides you with pretty much the same things. Mom into armlet/echo is already a build anyway so i dont get whats the point of this post. Reinventing the wheel?

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                                              Idk but sny gives ms, slows to chase and fight, some as, some str and damage.
                                              Echo only gives damage and as


                                                And slow


                                                  Okay dude just go and build SnY already and fck off


                                                    You gave me migrain


                                                      Ok my bad, im sorry


                                                        Ms is useless on lycan
                                                        Mana Regen is more valuable
                                                        Echo is cheaper

                                                        Sny also doesn't let you kill that full hp troll, but necro helps you end the game, so ur argument still makes 0 sense.


                                                          Why do you need ms when your speed in ult is capped at 650 anyway, and instead of attack speed/agility from Sny you get double attack which is way better when you're chasing after some because you cannot utilize your full attackspeed anyway. Echo gives you the mana regen you need since you're not going necro.


                                                            But drums is not good for lategame.

                                                            so all the terrorblades, gyrocopters and so on just build the item for trolling? :-D
                                                            sell it later, for late game noone wants to have a sny...

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