General Discussion

General DiscussionShitty Offlane Sniper+IO Meme

Shitty Offlane Sniper+IO Meme in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Definitely wouldn't work in higher tier games, but it's something me and a friend really enjoy playing.

    Check out the replay starting from minute 40. dota2://matchid=3784509927&matchtime=2737
    And dotabuff:

    casual gamer

      io duo offlane = good shit

      low prio master
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        low prio master

          You can't rly say it wouldn't work higher in bracket,this combo was already played by many there with success.This is still something new and its there since lvl 20 io talent was changed.This dual lane is incredibly annoying but its been picked only couse lvl 20 io is superior.All wisp players you can find on this planet after reading patch notes would tell you there gonna come nerf very soon to at least limited AS or attack range,its been months and not at all,the true is lvl 20 io is super far away each game.


            ^ i mean how many games there are that IO is even able to hit 20

            Optimus Drip

              I feel like this lane would work safelane or mid just the same

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Replace Sniper with Bristle. You're welcome.

                low prio master

                  Its different story,you cant compare these two combo heroes,sniper is nuts lategame with io lvl 20,io+bb is very good till late

                  Herald Pride

                    sniper offlane? yeah this archon 1 sniper ruin my game