1. Gyrocopter - Razor - Terrorblade - Morphling - Troll Warlord - Void
2. Tiny - Death Prophet - Dragon Knight - OD - Razor
3. Underlord - Razor - Timbersaw - Legion (low mmr) - Dragon Knight - Puck
4. Clockwerk - Earth Spirit - Bane - Naga Siren - Pudge - Tusk - Earth Shaker - Nature Prophet (all when roaming)
5. Disruptor - Lion - Maiden - Lich - io
1-visage, lycan, dp, ld
2-visage, lycan, dp, ld, dark willow
3- ld, dark willow
4- shaman, dark willow
5- shaman dark willow
U can call me cancer ;)
willow isnt good every position, she is mostly a 4
whut, not a good pos 1 though but decent at other roles
she is too greedy for 5 imo
3 is possible but very situational
2 is also possible but she needs a good matchup or she will get outfarmed
1 is just bad
Half of these are completely wrong, how are Morphling and CM considered meta right now?
Maiden in 7.10 (last month) had this slight change:
* Crystal Maiden: Base damage increased by 3
* Crystal Maiden: Arcane Aura self mana regen increased from 1/2/3/4 to 1.3/2.2/3.1/4
That slight change in mana regen helps in spamming frostbite in early gaming stage for annoying offline / kill potential / getting exp from jungle while going for rune / roam etc. rather than carrying mango or clarity.
Puppey & Solo started picking her in recent tourneys. Can be a pocket strat and seems good in pubs with Urn and force staff / glimmer.
I don't think Morphling is out yet. Been more prominent as niche picks for few teams and recent work on Morph used by few pros (stealing flak cannon from gyro and such) gave us an insight how it could be used and improvised.
Shotgun build is still viable in pubs and once left unchecked, he can be nuisance mid game.
Who do you see getting picked more in your skill bracket, Marshal?
Yea, possibly needs some specific hero pair. May be they were testing themselves, but I think she will get picked more.
Has slightly lower pick rates in each mmr brackets but more than 50% win rate in them apart from >5k in which she is 49% as per Dota buff.
I think she will get picked more often this time.
I dont know who the real potato marshal is, the ancient[4] guy or the divine[0] guy?
I'm the real deal, the other is just some gay weeb
1. Terrorblade, Troll, Gyro, Lifestealer, PL
2. Death prophet, Leshrac, OD, DK, Razor
3. Underlord, Omni, Beastmaster, Tiny, Enigma
4. Sand king, Tuskar, Dark Willow, Naga, Chen
5. AA, Disruptor, Witch doctor, Vengeful Spirit, Lion
Nah Chen is not really meta right now since his last nerf,it hit him quite hard.Maybe replace it with sladar
Ancient Apparition was picked in 4 out of 5 matches in recent Dota 2 Asia Championship finals.
pub meta and pro meta are diffrent. u can see the pub meta by clicking heroes-> meta and above 5k mmr
how do u play offlane ld??do u ask ur pos 4 to play on ur lane ??
Anyone who comes to my lane to help before I am level 5 is basically griefing me.
Solo like a man.
1. Luna, Void
2. Visage, Razor
3. Underlord, Mirana (Yes I play off Mirana like a fucking beast, rampaged on her last week)
4. Riki, Spirit Breaker
5. Shadow Shaman, Witch Doctor
CM is crap since everybody just buys clarities now
Sad but true. But I still pick her a lot :)
Chen just went from guaranteed to win yout lane to most likely will win your lane. I’m horrible at micro but I won all offlanes I was in last patch as chen.
Yeah dont try to base your picks on pro meta all the time, most of the time it will not work out in pubs. Cuz u know, pub players are kinda retarded(razor doesnt usually work out in pubs).
what's up with jug? I see him getting picked up a ton but I don't really like him. I've never been very good on jug in the first place, probably my ward micro sucks.
Jugg is more about spinning and ulting at the proper times IMO. Ward micro is pretty easy
ward micro is not easy dude. Pros know how to position it, kite people with it, while still healing the whole team. They get full duration out of it. I drop it, either mess up attacking on my hero or get the ward killed every time.
Jug is a cool hero but I think I need to stick to something more straightforward. I have less trouble micro'ing tb illusions than jug ward.
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