General Discussion

General DiscussionNuker Chen as a support that could scale at late game

Nuker Chen as a support that could scale at late game in General Discussion

    I'm ancient 5 and the other is my ancient 4 ID.
    Chen is a very strong early game hero and his innate skill also good enough to help his teammates with holy persuasion and hand of god, unfortunately he is very useless in late game.

    But, recently I tried rushing dagon and maxed test of faith as experiment in some games and it goes incredibly well, as early dagon means early nuke and successful ganks, while having good enough heal with his 2nd skill and his ult.
    This build allow me to dominate early game while still scale at late game.

    Penitence +30% all dmg(include magic and pure dmg)
    test of faith 200-400 pure dmg
    Dagon 400 dmg
    2 Hellbear clap with 150 x 2 dmg


      Why not build Aghanim and invite those ancient neutrals to an uninvited party late game in the skill bracket you are in?


        usually yes, but by my experience even ancient neutral cant do shit against late game carry other than looks intimidating and tanky.
        armor aura/granite aura/lizard aura/purple creep aura isn't that useful, due to limited amount of 3, agha also would be hard if in early game and mid game u have many fail gank attempt.
        Early dagon ensures successful ganking since no one expect chen with dagon at 8-10 minutes marks, coupled with neutral skill and penitence, even offlaner can be killed in an instant, unless this offlaner got more than 1200 hp and hood at 10 min mark


          Actually not that bad I tried it before


            Pretty ok. I’ll definitely try since falling off has been a pretty glaring problem of the hero


              How does a dagon make hin scale better in the lategame. If anything, it actually makes him scale worse than he would with usual items.

              The hero is not supposed to be that strong in the lategame anyway you're mostly relying on the splitpush from the creeps. So just get the scepter and pick those ancient black dragons and a few catapults send them to one lane and if they get ganked recall them then send them to another lane. The sendback on allied heroes is insanely strong throughout the enitre game as well. If you can play a decent chen your goal should be to finish around your aghs timing.


                Public match number one weakness is burst of surprise either in killing or pushing. Nuker Chen possess both of that, rather than with 4200 gold that let u to get ancient creep, u could get lvl 2 or even lvl 3 dagon, which when coupled with max level test of faith and penitence amplification could led to kill on core that enemies dont expect. Much more than a normal dagon could do.
                Im not talking about well coordinated pick on a tournament, this is just experiment I conducted recently and I think this goes well.
                what is the different having offensive item that let u has 2 ancient creep by 20 mins mark or offensive items that could led to unexpected death on enemies?
                Keep in mind basic holy persuasion still provides good aura and tp back without aghanim. All aghanim's do is let u have slightly better aura and tankier creep. Ancient creep abilities also couldnt compare with long range instant burst. If it was the Old chen agha which reduce hand of god cooldown to 30 scnds, maybe I could understand, but now that I tried nuker chen, ancient creep feels so useless, basically stacks that you bring around for your enemy, spamming holy persuasion to save your creep sometimes led to your skills to cd so u cant save your core in time.

                And TBH, are you really having fun trying to organize your teammate to do early push in public game,so chen could be useful? Dont be hypocrite, few people could happily support strangers without being angry.


                  Tbh, as chen, you should try to aim to end the game within 20 mins, if not then adjust ur builds. Max holy persuasion first always, 2 levels on penitence then max test of faith.

                  Going for test of faith and penitence and skipping persuasion is a meme.


                    this seems undeniably fun tho


                      I use to do the dagon aether eblade chen build, but now I just prefer to end the game before 30 minutes by rushing helm on Chen.