General Discussion

General Discussioni felt undying so op

i felt undying so op in General Discussion
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    just topic guys. get dominator-> farm help team ez win?


      as pos 4 very good hero

      go offlane spam W on enemy heros and watch your offlaner kill the 300 HP slark.

      then get tombstone and kill some other lane



        Undying was one of the "flavor of the month" hero picks. I can't remember which patch. Since then, he's been finely tuned to be a good niche pos3/pos4. Though he's been getting substantial buffs lately, may soon find himself back in the top tier


          I mean can't u make practically any hero work as a 4 by buying hotd


            i doubt you get the gold to buy hotd on pos 4 storm while also having impact on the map

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              he is garbo. he has like one good spell and it's meh. if your pos 4/5 has no stuns, you put a huge burden on your other heroes.

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                why undy has really high winrate tho


                  Idiot why you need dominator? Rush perseverance x2


                    Oh my God the perseverance meme was one of my favorites


                      But that wasn’t even a meme


                        He had 3k + games of exclusively building perseverances into aghs


                          The real han not my lover Han

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                            no hotd is really needed for him imo. so he can farm and extra regen and AS for zombies. and drum too

                            Potato Marshal

                              Felt really underwhelming for a long time, maybe this patch will fix him a bit.

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                                he almost have 54% wr in 5k. his laning is so strong. and mek is dead item now since they added like 200 hp for every hero.


                                  do you mean for every strengh hero and reduce all agi/int hero health pool?


                                    Do u guys remember the tombstone on death shitpost.

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                                    Potato Marshal

                                      Mek has been dead for a lot longer than that...

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                                        nvm playing support is so fucking not enjoybale when ur cores throw


                                          Badral Indian pride?

                                          Lruce Bee

                                            I think aghs octorone is the build now for u dying. Maybe radiance as well


                                              People doesnt max w and rather spam on his q. Its so stupid because his w is his best skill and u cant spam q forever. And they focus on durable item..Cmon! He has 3 healing skill and really spammable and yet u didnt increase his potential?? Dafuq? Imagine storm with carry item, really shit right?

                                              Undying actually a good hero, mana starve and people sometimes misplayed this shit my brother

                                              Story Time

                                                ^neitehr q or w should be maxed, the priority is the tomb

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                                                  aghs are oc are so expensive hotd is cheap


                                                    Paging meka

                                                    Also this fucking moron with his ugly ass face profile calling everyone brother when he says the most retarded stupid shit in broken english needs to shut the fuck up before you destroy all my brain cells

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                                                      S T F U 2k SHIT

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                                                        na 2k dog lul


                                                          No he don't need HoTD he needs vlads more damage for zombies armor hp mana regen all aoe not to mention lifesteal
                                                          Vlad masterace

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                                                            vlad is dead item. it only gives like 15% dmg so its useless #notworthit


                                                              HotD is dead it only gives like 20 AS and it's active feeds a lot of gold
                                                              And zombies need damage everyone knows that!


                                                                Undying is great , absolutely great if you pos 3 has a stun and/or a good brain. Or he is useless if you can't shut down the enemy carry.

                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                  Q is undying best spell and let's you stack strength infinitely. You become Super tanky and unstoppable.

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                                                                    and one level q is enougth dont have to max it btw. cuz its mana dependent


                                                                      this hero really good, as long u stick with someone who can interupt enemy's tp.

                                                                      Bill Cutting

                                                                        Would love to know how u farm radiance on undying


                                                                          Yes brother !





                                                                            Swap Commend (Il Separatio)


                                                                              He was meta two years ago


                                                                                have u ever try visage on undying? undying melts like a pudding seriously haha