General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips for playing Visage?

Any tips for playing Visage? in General Discussion
Semeone just killed you fool

    I have played this hero for like 10 games already on my other account and so far I love him pretty good.

    Is there any good Visage player here that could give me some good tip? Early, Mid, Late (if still).

    -how do you do your hotkeys pr what is your comfortable hotkeys like controlling the Familliars and main hero? I feel like I can't control them properly though I played him like 10games but still I lost control between clash and I often feed my birds to the enemy.

    Any tip much appreciated!
    Thank you!


      Before picking visage ban any heroes that can easily kill familiars with either insane dmg or aoe spells like spec, jugg, gyro, sniper and bristleback. Dont pick if any of these heroes are in your game.

      Visage is a teamfight hero, more teamfight = more dmg nuke

      Pick him with pudge, tide, lc, axe or clockwerk basically heroes that can absorb a lot of dmg

      Visage is slow and mana independent so buy early movespeed and mana. Buy also -armor items early because nukes rip through armor with less reduction.

      Visage feeds on heros that has slow mobility such as cm, lesh, shadow shaman, disruptor, aa, enigma, etc. Bec or his 1st ability grave chill. Basically pick visage vs heroes that are squishy, not invis, slowpoke and no means of escape.

      Visage worst enemy is slark and linken
      He has no escape mech sort of but if used wisely grave chill can suck out AS and MS on enemy use it to escape or attack

      2nd and 1st ability is a priority until lvl6 if opponent all has physical dmg a point in 3rd ability wouldnt hurt

      1 is hero
      2 is familiars

      Auto attack summon units on
      Always and same as hero
      Auto select summon units

      Skill order
      Use gravechill - let familiars hit target use medallion, press 2 then q tab q again to stun use 2nd skill nuke

      Glhf in your visages games

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          pick mid
          get level 6
          tilt enemy midlaner
          internal fight starts
          enemy throws


            press q to get a ranged creep and deny your own
            ban phantom lancer
            don't expect some good laning stage against normal heroes, you'll usually have like half of your opponent's cs, especially against heroes like sf/ta. but that's fine.
            farm ancients since lvl 6 (not stacked)
            dont use the ability to stomp nearest bird

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Visage shits on jugg. Dont give advice if you dont know shit ty