General Discussion

General DiscussionI just played with a map hacker.

I just played with a map hacker. in General Discussion
    My pl did nothing but asking me for sentries and dewarding that entire game. Also he made some calls, so we can avoid fights and get a lot of pick offs. We effortlessly won that game, despite having a much worse lineup.


      I get called a map hacker once in every 5 game. just because I know how illusions work and the basic stuff about warding. -.-
      How's this different?

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        Well, this is not archon3, and he actually pined every single ward in fog of war and dewarded them. Also he know exactly when the heroes are in fog of war. I's rather sad that hackers like this exist in the game.

        Dark Hunter

          I've only come across one hacker in the 3-4 years i've played dota. Its a lot better than most other games tbf

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            If he succesfully dewarded almost all your wards, he is stream sniping. But that only happens on very high mmr bracket.

            For example: im a random divine 5 player and I am matched with Fnatic.DJ. What I'll do is, look for some DJ dota 2 twitch stream and scan his map all the time.

            He can also watching his own game via another pc, but I believe it is delayed for 2mins. He can abuse the deward thing, but getting ganked is still a threat for them.


              stream snipers smh.

              and @ OP, it's much more likely he is just smurfing or good at the game. It's not hard to know where wards on depending on opponent actions.


                At least u have a chance against hackers in Dota but in other games ur completely destroyed.


                  valve have already started banning maphackers for those who still think maphack isnt real in dota 2


                    Or those who used automatic insta cast. I remember once when I played against a rhasta whenever I would blink in to stun him he would insta use hex on me. So, yes there are cheaters but they will eventually get banned by Gaben


                      u can report cheaters like zis u can also check replay to be sure that they cheated or was just stream sniping


                        If I'm not mistaken, the Dota spectator stream is delayed by at least 7 minutes, so the info you can get from that is irrelevant. Live streams are another story. I suppose you shouldn't live stream if you are involved in games were enemy intel counts so much.


                          maybe someone in their team was streaming?


                            There's only 30[or maybe 10?]sec delay(lan events probably) 2min (default) 30min (?) a streamer playing the game can cast live through minus the stream delay itself

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                              @k4os5 the delay is 2 minutes, you can actually deward if your friend is spectating you and giving you information, i've actually done it a few times.

                              p.s: map hack is real.

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                                Or, maybe he saw the wards getting placed down, or at least deduced the locations of the wards based on the enemy supports' movements... don't automatically call maphacks.