General Discussion



    Does it really work for those who have TI battle pass?
    Or do you still get 5 core teams

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    Potato PC

      My prediction :
      1. Too few player use this option, so the system decide to put anyone with similar MMR/medal
      2. People choose hero which match their chosen role, but play as other role. Example pick role support, pick CM and play CM carry.

      Wish I could ping my cold...

        The reason I left Dota is probably the lack of this function, and now they give it to Battle Pass owners. GL & HF in dead game, fellas


          It works great, but big mmr disparity at high mmr


            it works


              Great at 2k EU West but 10min queue for core vs 10secs for support!


                crazy high mmr disparity at high mmr, i got +10mmr last game

                Player 345996680

                  Works if you play support ye. Cant find game as core tho.

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                    I just want international mmr. I do not care for this role queue.


                      why not just play seasonal ranked then?


                        А давайте посмотрим и выставим команду выстроенную по ролям против команды обычного подбора! Будет интересный и веселый матч (конечно же, нет!)!

                        G O D O T

                          It works, but still have chance to meet some cancer who pick support role just for shorter queue time and then they 1st pick AM or PA.. well i play in SEA so its no surprise


                            Nah this mode sucks, literally cant win in this mode


                              Harder to play and win I would say.

                              But that is because I play flex pick (fill position needed, even though I am bad in all of them). So my team has ocassionaly advantage (we have all roles covered 90% of the games).

                              If you play only one role it might be better for u.


                                If you only play one role, maybe you should find another game tbh

                                ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                  Yea at high MMR it really high MMR difference.
                                  as ancient 4 sometimes have team/enemy from ancient 0 up until divine 4.

                                  It quite good to give experience XD

                                  Brother.Teresa ^aka^ OldS...

                                    you get all the low mmr mid and carries and higher mmr supports, then the match becomes trash tier because...


                                      I play it as support, but the last few days I've been queuing for 10 mins + and still no game (Aus server). Gone back to standard ranked


                                        Its fine but im encountering a high number of russians as in 90% of my games there are 6-7 russians in the game


                                          last 2 games i had "supports"
                                          -omniknight, didnt even show up in lane, farms midas in jungle
                                          -other game the dude picks earthshaker as lane support, sits under tower for 5 mins the goes afk jubgling until he has blink and aghs(!?)
                                          also when he stopped being afk in lane he first nuked 3 waves straight up to get money from manaboots

                                          this mode is super trash


                                            Yeah I’ve changed my mind. People who queue to support at my trash tier seem to have zero idea about the game, especially laning.

                                            At least when a carry was forced to support they knew what not to do.

                                            Basic Core is such an easy concept (farm, don’t die, kill some heroes) but basic supporting is comparably more complex imo.

                                            Or maybe it is just that roaming has gone out of fashion and people who learnt about how to gank didn’t learn how to manage a lane properly.

                                            Either way feels like support is worse than it was.


                                              I like this function, however, its impossible to play on a core there. I tried maybe 5 time to queue as a core and waited for 7+ mins and I gave up.

                                              However, every time I queue as a support it finds a game for me in 30 seconds. Since I spam support now I kinda like it because my queue time is almost instant.

                                              In a nutshell, it doesn't really change game experience at all. I assume a lot of players would rather play on a core position especially in regions like SEA and Russia and on low rating as well.

                                              Also I think it's kinda irrelevant for 5,5k+ players.


                                                The toxicity levels are much lower - especially if you pick mid or carry. I guess toxic people tend to want to play pos 1 or 2 and people who choose 3,4 or 5 are generally quite balanced so if you pick pos 1 or 2 you reduce the risk of a toxic player being on you team by 75% compared to normal ranked.


                                                  I had to wait for 23 mins to get a match where the support was techies who didnt buy a single ward. But the games were less toxic cause no cancerous Indog rich enough to buy BP.


                                                    60 min queue where teammates gives up at 10 min so i waste 90 minutes because the game lasts 30 mon