General Discussion

General DiscussionHelm of the Dominator

Helm of the Dominator in General Discussion

    How to use this item effectively? When to pickup? How good is it?


      When u want a pushing aura/utility, good to build out of Regen items like ring or headress
      Works well with existing summons


        I just played a game using hotd on dark seer.

        Item is really strong I think as you can use it to push lanes or farm lungle while pushing a different lane or whatever.

        I think the micro is a bit difficult but with practice can become really easy to use.


          Hotd is so good on darkseer
          Surged ionshelled centaur is scary af

          Potato PC

            1. If you can control multiple units
            2. When you pick IO

            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              good aura to compliment the team and to push

              very nice stats that allows you to farm woods

              overall an item always nice to have on a tesm

              and yes dark seer dominating centaur is scary- ion the centaur, vaccum enemies, stomp

              or even surge the centaur, charge him to the enemies and stomp

              other creeps you should look at-
              catapult- siege attack type, deals 250% damage to structure armor type, very effective at sieging structures

              ogre frostmage- 800% uptime 8 armor buff that causes ms slow and as slow for attacking. allows you to keep the whole team tanky with some micro

              kobold foreman- 12% ms aura. allows your team to manouver more effectively

              dark troll summoner- 1.75 seconds root, very effective when ganking

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                tomato and satyr can be good too
                there is that mana regen creep
                and purge creep, though thats situational
                late game alpha wolf too

                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  I can see the wolf on paper. but I find from my experience that those 30% are usually just not as effective as having a root or a stomp

                  even late game, its nice, but I would prefer usually another creep

                  SASA POPOVIC

                    ^ Lycan with alpha wolf can eat t3 and set of rax in less than 10 seconds before anyone sees whats going on. ^^


                      pushing strat, get it within 6-8 minutes....


                        ok so if u just want kill potential, the stomp or root is better, but lategame alpha wolf is really good for ratting, and if ur team already has disable or u have another core that u want to benefit from alpha wolf as well then its good.


                          buy it on every aura based offlaner,its really good item
                          no armor just get ogre,fighting slows/silences just get small satyr and purge yourself
                          push get a cart or red bear or wolf
                          vs blink get a wildkin cast tornado move it to enemy base and hope the tornado disables someone
                          ensare from troll pierces bkb too
                          also you can always just put 1 cart on roshan after it dies 8min+ or something