General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's talk Necronomicon.

Let's talk Necronomicon. in General Discussion

    It's my favorite item in the game it's fun to use & no matter what people tell me I will still continue to use it religiously. But how does it fair at higher MMR brackets?

    Mainly talking about greedy supports getting them. Or to be more specific, warlock since it's the only hero I spam.

    Here's where I am at now.

    Necrobook has yet again increased in duration in the previous patch. There's only 30s downtime on that thing. This is really important as there other factors are closely tied to this.

    Necrobook 1 is better than a hand of midas. In terms of getting gold. There is an abundance of wasted gold all over the map. Creeps dieing to creeps, neutrals sitting on stack timers. All these resources that carries are afraid to farm for. IE treading too far into enemy territory. That's about 200 wasted gold per wave. Necrobook clears about 3 waves in 60s!

    Necrobooks upgrade themselves.

    They constantly generate more gold for you & they're great split pushers. Need a whole team of 5 to win a clash but also needing to push another lane? Problem solved. Not to mention. More gold income!

    Necro 3 Archer got buffed in a previous patch it now acts as a difussal blade as well! All the more reason to get it.

    Necro 3 is a dewarding machine. More Gold!

    The list goes on. Some can argue they give a ton of XP & gold. But one could just move them away.
    Which if they choose to chase after would be space created.

    Palmen aus Plastik

      Just saw Topson use it on his QW invoker. I'm excited to try it out. I think he shares your opinion!


        I can see its potential, but I feel like meteor hammer does what necros do just a little better on most heroes. On the qw voker with tornado talent it's a perfect setup for meteor, which is great with high level quas and coldsnap. For pushing out waves a meteor kills a creep wave and let's you move on with low cd. It's also great at pushing down towers or at least chipping away at them


          Despite the fact that Meteor Hammer is a great Item for nuking towers not to mention like you said works well with heroes that can set it up for it's potential stun. It's not what I got necrobook for.

          Sure Necrobook can be used for pushing towers but it's not it's selling point. It's selling point is that you don't have to be there to push out a lane or take down a tower. With the current duration of necrobook, You could easily use it in your fountian (Not ideal) and walk it all the way to anywhere on the map and still have enough time to push out a wave or 2. This is especially good when you're needed else where.

          A good example would be lets say a fight is about to break out at top lane and you're needed there. You could use Necrobook from top lane and push out mid or bot.


            Necro is ez gold for most heroes with good wave clear so getting 3 of them isn't a good idea in some games


              Necrobook is gr8 dps with some heroes but it's almost 300ish free gold for any carry
              It also has not nearly enough defensive utility for a warlock and is quite expensive for a hero who can't farm
              It's pretty situational, and I don't see why u wud get this unless ur lycan or beastmaster, where it has incredible synergy with ur hero

              Story Time

                wasnt necromicon good with void long time ago? Because both summons can hit in chrono?

                New Freezer

                  It's good situationally.

                  If enemy has good wave clear you can just end up feeding a lot of gold. If you have no set up for the push then it's difficult to get something good out of it.

                  On warlock it kind of makes no sense because Aghs refresher gives you more golems which do exactly what necronomicon does but better and more impactfully.


                    Who doesn't love an extra golem. But we can't just summon our golems to push out another lane, we need our ults for big teamfights.

                    Warlock can't farm which is why Necro serves as a farming tool for him, Necro minions do piercing damage which means it can clear creeps waves faster than he normally would without it. Not to mention the innate MP regen, 225 health & that extra move/attack speed aura for your Golem if needed & that's just Necro 1.

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                    Grandpa Limbasia

                      Manta is also a solid choice for warlock


                        warlock cant farm because he doesnt need farm, a carry shud be pushing out that lane, and warlock cant farm the gold for necro reliably anyway, and at that point he can just buy a better utility item

                        now i understand ur concept, and i heard speakings of necro book 1 on arc warden for that reason
                        but at least on him it makes a bit more sense since he is a pos1/2 and he actually shud have the space and ability to farm it to begin with, and his hero has extra synergy with it


                          ^hes talking about unused farm

                          And his points are all valid, Id prefer a necro than a Midas on a hero like warlock who drops summons and chains, slows for a bit then dies to a carry.


                            u shudnt get midas either
                            u shud get glimmer, or force, or solar, or urn, and if u have the gold for necronomicon, buy an aghs, its just a better item

                            he isnt wrong conceptually, but reasoning for delaying a utility item to get farm on a warlock is just not sound


                              ^NA+CI is not wrong. Like I said It's my preferred play style. Glimmer, Force, Urn, Drums is also pretty useful since we talked about movespeed of Necro archer. Are the kind of things I would buy too. But as a warlock spammer I like to change my builds from time to time so as things aren't always so dull and Necro works the best for me.

                              I'm just taking one of my warlock builds as an example.
                              Basicly I've got 3 builds on Warlock. Necro fits right in on my Push build. There's also a support build & Core Aghs Refresh Build in there.

                              But this topic isn't about how I play my warlock it's more about Necronomicon as an item.

                              One can argue that getting necronomicon on warlock is no different from getting it on cm. (Not ideal) But it does make her into a pushing hero.

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                                Necronomicon user here

                                Good to know some peeps here get the split push farming aspect of Necronomicon with the longer duration and piercing damage


                                  Necro is good like buying on all 5 heroes and all placed on one lane and force a fight somewhere

                                  Either sacrifice that tower or clear necro and take tons of suicide damage, especially if theres one or two heroes available to clear

                                  I member that but sadly it was banned in tournaments

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