General Discussion

General DiscussionFirst game calibration win gave me +1k mmr???

First game calibration win gave me +1k mmr??? in General Discussion

    so my first new season calibration game turned out to be a nice game(win). I lost my next 2 games because of my teamates (no kidding). also, FIRST LOST GAME (me as clinkz) SOMEONE ABANDONED THE GAME.

    I decided to monitor my skill bracket and those 2 games that I lost were very high skill.

    My next game put me into high skill once again and luckily I won.

    So, does that mean first game either gives you - or + 1k mmr?

    if not I got another theory that if someone abandons in a calibration game it doesnt affect your mmr.


      yes i went from legend 2 to archon 2 in my first game.


        Ok this will give me disappointment, anger and depression due to the fact that I ruined my opportunity to calibrate at higher bracket and system gave me trash teammates.

        Srsly that clinkz game should be a win because we stomped them early ITS ALL BECAUSE OF THAT AM who got confident and tried to do things of his own that made that game lose (highest networth feed resulting in a big networth increase to the enemy), slark game should have gave us 50/50 chance if not for our tilted jakiro who blames me for dying bot lane when you got enemy sk and kotl offlane with only shaman babysitting (that jakiro instead went for wr who can clearly and obviously handle things on her own)

        I am seriously fucked up for I have failed my first 3 games which matters most.

        I want to cry :( 2 losses already and 6 games to go. :(((((((((


          clinkz offlane with axe?
          brown boots shadowblade slark (guess why you lost your lane)

          sorry but you deserve an mmr drop


            True clinkz offlane with axe because someone picked AM and mirana that forced me to change lane. I only care about winning and like I said earlier we were able to stomp them and had the advantage because one of their team DC and able to have map control. If not for that AM that doesnt think straight. doesnt target zeus that is always low in mana. Even my teamates think that its all am's fault.

            Slark game: early game became a disaster, imagine kotl and and wk spamming nukes on you, jakiro and wr got enough kill at top lane to pressure AM. jakiro still didnt come to bot and help me. Tinker failed mid to bloodseeker. Its like tinker doesnt know how to escape bloodseeker. Also they asked me to buy linkens instead of bkb with riki smoke, bloodseeker 1st, kotl 2nd and many more single target abilities. Its clearly because my team is DUMB.

            Generally, I lost because I have been given 1-2 dumb teammates each game.

            Please analyze things better. TY