General Discussion

General DiscussionRollback MMR version 2.0. Valve's about to ruin your "hard" earned ca...

Rollback MMR version 2.0. Valve's about to ruin your "hard" earned calibration based MMR once again! in General Discussion


    Good way to lose player base I guess


      they might mostly focus on those ones who lost a lot of mmr and thus are likely to quit the game
      they change win/loss for everyone

      2nd one will be pretty weird from the pov of product marketing, but things are often weird with dota updates

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        I was 3.9 before calibration

        Ended up 3450, I was fine with it, never actually had plans to quit.

        I opened Dotka 2 now, i'm back to 3.9, lul


        People will get mad regardless.




            Ahahaha. What I said? xD



              Just got removed 400mmr. Wtf is this bullshit. Valve is one hell of a mother fuccking joke company.


                hey is it permanent ? because i got the status of legend 5 when you usuualy het new medal


                  I went from 6.3k to 5.8k

                  Thank GOD.
                  I am not a fucking 6.3k player.

                  I am more than happy with being 5.8k since that is about 300 mmr from where I was preseason.


                    :( hoping I don’t lose too much mmr .


                      People want true recalibration they all said but what they really wanted was free mmr it seems to me.

                      SASA POPOVIC

                        ^no shit Sherlock! Now prepare for the salty tears from all scrubs who thought they are out of their shitty imaginary trenches LUL!!!!


                          are they going to put another calibration, or just cancel the new calibration results and leave it be?
                          how about people in middle of calibration?

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                          SASA POPOVIC

                            Dunno its Valve dude, even when they fixing they fuck something up.

                            Livin' Real Good

                              they put me back to my old MMR, I went from 5.1 to 4843 just now, wonder what medal that is, it hasn't updated yet, I don't think it's divine seeing as they changed the values for which MMR corresponds to which medal. (raised it)


                                with the new calib yesterday i got 2.2k mmr and i got crusader 4 medal.. THEN....... i won 6 or 7 games and i got promoted to crusader 3 :D yayyy :D im happy :)


                                  4.8k is likely ancient 5 or divine 0 now.


                                    I play party game and i lose 400 mmr from solo can someone tel me whats happing in dota??

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                                      i played 3 games, in statistics it said

                                      solo : 7 games left
                                      team: 7 games left

                                      pretty sure its just 10 games for both mmrs


                                        I calibrated 4920 and they gave me Ancient 4, couldn't work that out... but now they've removed my medal so maybe that was bugging out too


                                          4920 is indeed ancient4 now tho


                                            my mmr went from 5580 to 5089 , yeahhh got more confident right now , before the calibration i just expect to be at 4500++ cz previous one just at 4800 but gaben gave me 5580 and yaaaaa all of sudden i dont believe and feels like yeah ii dont deserve this mmr but ya whatever hahahaha

                                            Solo Leveling

                                              From 4400 to 3500 rolled back to 4150. Im not on suicide watch

                                              Cute 2k girl Lexi :)

                                                these calibration games are fucking ruthless, I keep getting games where my team is down 20k networth at 20 minutes.....


                                                  return to dota 2 weeks ago. went from 2.5-2.8k

                                                  calibrated and went from 2.8k-2.3k Crusader 4

                                                  Now Im at 2.8k again but haven't received medal

                                                  Not sure what people are raging for. I was clearly around 2.8 but got dropped to 2.3k and I rolled all my games since calibrating, people were so bad there. Are people mad they aren't getting stupid amount of mmr they dont deserve?

                                                  arrogant adolescent

                                                    If I'll calibrate at the same mmr i won't be divine anymore PepeHands


                                                      rip dreams trying to get 8 wins and +900 mmr

                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                        Aww, they got rid of my star, guess i'll just have to support my way to divine, currently sitting at 4.9.

                                                        I don't know what it is about Dota lately, but NO ONE wants to support anymore, and this is before season 2 calibration as well. Last 2 weeks no one wanted to support either, it seems like if I don't support every game, it basically becomes an unplayable shit fest of ragers and dark visionless map.

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                                                          get 3,3k mmr with archon V now it's decreasing to archon III with 2,9k mmr.. ty valve.. you nailed it!


                                                            Haven't calibrated yet, waiting for the calibration system to settle down.

                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                              Alright I just went up from Ancient 4 to Ancient 5 at 4920 currently, I guess Divine rank is officially 5.1 now.

                                                              Would of been dope if they made the big 5000 Divine instead, but I guess they wanna make you earn that shit!

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                                                                Just gained ~250 MMR from this update. New medal hasn't appeared, though.

                                                                playing with 4 dogs

                                                                  from 4.2k down to 3.7k LUL valve lmao.

                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                    well you probably belong there, you're legend 3 dude, that's not even 3.7K

                                                                    you probably jumped like 700 MMR that you didn't deserve. lol

                                                                    even your name " playing with 4 dogs " is toxic. lol

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                                                                    dont be thrilled by this ...

                                                                      3320 to 3170 ... medal is shown uncalib now but probably it goes from arch V to arch IV

                                                                      13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                                        5200 to 4800 Ancient 4
                                                                        welp, gonna climb back again

                                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                                          okay so they started me off at 4800 now, but i just climbed to 5000 with this latest spectre win, i'm ancient 5 and it says 44% complete, so i'm 100% sure 5100-5150 is Divine.

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                                                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                                                            ^Relax everyone is still calibrating, Divine will drop back to 4.8K as it was when everyone is finished and MMR is back to normal.


                                                                              damn i lost 400 mmr

                                                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                                                div 0 is 5050 like in the past most likely

                                                                                SASA POPOVIC

                                                                                  Yeah only problem is there is no 0 anymore, so medals and stars are more separated now and MMR inflated a bit, its gonna even out in month or 2 i believe.


                                                                                    Shouldn't the mmr flux when they remove the 0 star from each rank and add the immortal rank? I guess the 5.1k will be the new cap for reaching divine now

                                                                                    SASA POPOVIC

                                                                                      I think they are just back to the original MMR to medals distribution from the first calibration, they just ditched (0) rank and added that it starts form (1) with Roman numbers for fancy hipster reasons to impress millennials. So before 1 star was worth 140 now its 200 to compensate. Meaning immortal starts from 6k.


                                                                                        Thanks valve, earned up legend IV with numbers 3512, is this normal?

                                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                                          Now my calibration matches are getting fucked right after this update. Some tard just instantly first picks Morph carry, then proceeds to die 1v1 at the bounty rune spot without hitting NP once or using the one ability he leveled. How the fuck do you manage to let one hero right click you to death from full health without you doing anything?

                                                                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                                                                            ^ Well i guess when you get from +200 -200 to ye good ol' +25-25 people dont give a shit anymore and just want it to get over with calibration, nothing really to lose that you cant make up for it afterwards and nothing really to gain that gonna make you "wow this was totally worth it!"

                                                                                            As my friend would say after we won a hard match "Holy shit blood and tears for a measly +25, go next!"

                                                                                            edit: Also Potato-chan, its saturday, never forget "Weekend doto worst doto!"

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                                                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                                                              You would think if you first pick a very easily countered carry, then proceeded to get counterpicked, that you would play more carefully. But nope, just buy no regen, rush a useless linkens, then get an eaglesong and wonder why Drow is always insta-killing you.

                                                                                              Silent Note

                                                                                                Yay, -350 and i'm again at 3900 mmr.

                                                                                                SASA POPOVIC

                                                                                                  I like how he isnta provoked Zeus Drow Voker and apartition picks, i bet he was like "holy shit morph bonus hero, EZ EM EM AR!"

                                                                                                  Fug, all them turd players are always anonymous on dotabuff, so i cant stalk his morph winrate, probably some core wannabe judging his itemization timings and playing full scripted shotgun morph build into 4 counters .

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                                                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                                                    Everybody kept telling him to go items like bkb and manta to dispel silences, but then he buys a fucking heart, so then he just does nothing the whole game. He didn't even use his ult a single time the whole game. Like somehow he was expecting to just one-shot people with the shotgun build.


                                                                                                      pota pota,don play doto at sunday/saturday
                                                                                                      everyone is crazy
                                                                                                      leave that place


                                                                                                        Thank god, wp gaben sama, remove cancers from my bracket thanks