General Discussion

General Discussion20 matches, 20 different heroes

20 matches, 20 different heroes in General Discussion

    18 matches played as pos 5, 1 pos 4 (spirit breaker) and 1 pos 3 (legion commander)

    Back then i could only play confidently few heroes like spirit breaker and riki in high mmr bracket. I would love to increase my hero pools, so I have been working hard over a year learning as many heroes as I could and in the process I lost more than 3000 mmrs across 4 accounts [mostly 6.5k to 6k].

    I first picked all games and I picked only support heroes that I did not pick before in the 20 matches run. Even in those lost games I still performed as best as i could.

    It's actually fun playing different heroes as you can learn more about the games and one thing i realized is that mastering a hero doesnt require you to spam him 100 times, but instead, you can just learn all the style of plays watching how others play, and theorycrafting as well as practising all the different combos in demo/overthrow modes.

    For example, on learning shadow demon, I read everything in gamepedia about it, working out all the small details of the heroes and then practising them in demo or other modes u wish. In my first shadow demon match [], I did more than 5 clutch disruption saves, and virtually made TA useless every fight and most importantly, made PL dead using disruption by burning all his mana to the point that he had no mana to use shadow blade to escape.

    In first season, I hit rank 400 on my peak, and I played less than 100 matches in season 1 due to taking my time off to learn different heroes. In season 2, I look forward to hitting top 100 in SEA leaderboard. As of current, I am ranked 1647th in sea leaderboard, with 2 other accounts in divine V and 1 divine VI.

    Spamming heroes can allow you to master the heroes inside out, but you can feel burnt out and become extremely toxic when things don't go your ways. By playing different heroes you give yourself opportunity to see the games differently. Meta always changes, hence its good to at least have a decent amount of hero pools.

    If you have any questions on how to improve or support, feel free to ask here.

    Potato PC

      Impressive, do you solo support?

      Any tips to solo support?

      死の恐怖 Haseo

        how to play riki this patch


          Want me to analyze ur replay? I’m vhs


            What mmr is 1600? Is it like 5.7

            Lruce Bee

              my man frank. how you been?


                Is it easier to climb as support in 3k? If so then what are the supps?

                Mode : TOPSON

                  zdonkfrank master how you play riki in this 2-1-2 meta


                    nice la. frank's name should be "road to reformation" lol. from toxic and flaming everyone on forum to pma and tryhard to really git gud wp


                      nice score buddy


                        hence .k

                        BSJ. LGD



                            DonFrank with the turnaround. There’s hope for turtle


                              Nice transformation DonFrank!


                                @Potato PC @eddie
                                If pos 5, average gold spent for wards -2-4k gold

                                It is not easy to climb ladder with supports if your game understanding is subpar. Supports do most of the work in the first 15-20 minutes. A good support would imply you help your core pos 1 and 2 secure their lanes and provide good vision.

                                for position 5 heroes, there are two types basically

                                A- support heroes that have skills to clear creepwaves / jungle stacks
                                example: shadow demon, dark willow, kotl, vengeful spirit, AA, CM, leshrac, jakiro, lich, lion, rubick, shaman, silencer, witch doctor, wyvern, chen, zeus, dazzle

                                B- support heroes that cannot farm well
                                example: ogre magi, disruptor, bane, oracle, skywrath, treant

                                For type A heroes played as pos 5, you will not have problems solo wardings, however, you need to up your resource management, because more often than not, these heroes need item to be effective for any teamfight [agh/forcestaff/glimmer/dagger]

                                For type B heroes played as pos 5, you will have problems with gold if you are solo warding and playing from behind, you will often find yourself buying only tranquil/arcane and then only hv enough money to buy wards since your gold income is limited, however, these heroes don't usually require items to be crucial in teamfight due to their skills. However, if the game goes to mid/end, you will end up becoming a food if you don't get some items, so during mid game you will need to ask the pos 4 / rich core to help buy wards so you can get at least 1-2 items.

                                TLDR; Type A pos 5 have no problems solo warding; Type B pos 5 have problems mid/late game if solo warding.

                                To be a decent pos 5, you need to be the shot caller, because you are the one consistently watching around the map for potential rotations except on the early game which you babysit your safelane . You must envision what the game is going to be like and start thinking about where you should ward when games go 10-20-30 min, and anticipate where your opponents would want to have the vision, then you can deward effectively without losing too much on sentry. You tell the team what to do and what not to do.

                                Also, always help your team write down rosh timer. once rosh dies and aegis is picked up, enter your chat, add 5 minutes to the current time, for instance, if aegis is picked up @ 20:40, type in your chat 2540 2840 3140. then ctrl-A -> ctrl+C, then you can paste it to chat each time to remind the team by ctrl-V. Aegis expire in 5 mins, and Roshan respawns randomly in 8-11 minutes.

                                @ Riko @ Power of Weebs
                                Riki this patch has decent blink strike damage. Go 1-3-1-1
                                Block small camp with obs
                                On 30 seconds, stack 2 waves of creeps in the offlane, and ask your offlaner to harass them making sure your ally creeps reach their twr. once its done, release the creep wave you are stalling, then get back to your offlane and get lvl2-3 when creep waves come in.
                                When you release the creepwave it should be around 1:15-1:30 mark and look for potential courier snipe. Spam blink strike on their cores (attack them with backstab once then blink and run away, easily 150 dmg dealth per blow).

                                You can go phase + urn + diffussal or tranquil + diffusal then go into dagger -> nullifier.

                                This comment was edited
                                A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                  you dont need to try so hard, you are still in the divine range and will probably never get to immortal, dont think about getting rank 100 since its 7k mmr(where i am at)


                                    ^ if you don't have time or patience to read the text, don't bother replying trying to tell the world you are 7k. you can make your own thread and show your epen there, or try to tell the world your rank with a new thread. im not interested with your rank or whoever you are, im here to share tips with those who want to improve.


                                      but i want to get rank 100


                                        @carry(smurf) all muted

                                        rank 1850 is around 5850 mmr which you unlock immortal.

                                        each 25 mmr will grant u 75~100 rank

                                        This comment was edited

                                          The early riki guide was pretty dope. Reminds me of cookie's "1-5k cm guide" lol

                                          Sir ironically while u urself are high rank, u seem to not understand the concept of progress -_-



                                            I stopped spamming riki once i reached 6.5k on 4 accounts. I realized that i could go on but there is no point to become another "badman" who reached 8k mmr spamming spectre and 1-2 other heroes and still irrelevant in the pro scene.

                                            so i realized the importance of expanding hero pools and i started working hard on many other heroes to the point i lost thousands of epen points before season 1 even came out.

                                            This guy @divine who was barely 6.5k pre-season 1 spamming arc warden with his 7k games account talk shit abt "u probably will never reach immortal" when I clearly wrote I had 1647th ranked immortal smurf contributed nothing to this thread but to troll and impose his superiority. This is the kind of guy who can reach high mmr but still remain irrelevant because he does not know what is humility.


                                              since you just explained the heroes only,wat is your specialities now?

                                              or all those up stuffs all speciality already

                                              i watched your replays like 6 month ago before,pretty good stuff
                                              didn't know courier stealing is really good waiting for salve


                                                Ye i get that with the hero pool expansion. In my experience the most efficient way to do this is to focus on learning 1 hero first, master it. At the same time if u roll but dont get ur role/lane, pick and practice other roles. then expand hero pool of ur main role 1 by 1, then at some point go into other roles, with ur superior understanding that u acquired while spamming ur hero pool, u learn the new roles and heries faster. And u just keep expanding, while having a main role still

                                                I wouldn't wanna judge anyone but definitely everyone can get to the top at anything it's just a matter of how much does it matter to them and how much are they willing to pay. So a 2k who's hungry for learning dota and is willing to put all the time and energy and eat shit and feel crappy cuz of dota's ups and downs is superior to me than a 6k who got to 6k just cuz he's addicted to the game and "just play"ed

                                                Frank u changed a lot tho i give u that keep it up


                                                  i just finished 75 heroes in the battlepass, do I get a trophy too?

                                                  Mode : TOPSON

                                                    hmm i see because of blink damage now decent 1 point in invis is enough ...
                                                    but is thats too risky ?
                                                    how about solo supp as zeus ? how this works ?



                                                      I enjoyed playing pos 4 and pos 5 as of current. I pretty much can play all the pos 4 / 5 heroes except io which i didnt practise much.

                                                      I was praised last time by mushi for my shot calling and the eagerness to make calls which is one of my nature, leading team, and pos 5 is the most suitable role for it. I still watch all my matches to learn about my mistakes and reduce the numbers of stupid calls that i make.

                                                      I also believed fnatic will never get TI champ or anything due to EE being the captain. I don't think pos 1 / 2 should be the one making calls, since most of the time they focused on imposing full control on their lane. The one that should be making calls is the pos 4/5 which u see many successful teams doing [ team liquid, mineski, newbee, virtus pro, optic and 2015 EG].

                                                      in this patch, you can still go for courier snipe with any invi or range support (with at least 500 atk range and jakiro is a no no) to snipe the mid courier either you smoke right after the bounty rune or before the bounty rune and wait in the midpoint of t1 t2 high ground.
                                                      any mid heroes that needs salve will use the courier in first min. Courier bounty is now worth 625 golds for the team,if you think u have good chance of sniping it u should go for it every game. once courier is sniped first time, you can also get the second one since it respawns in 2 minutes time.

                                                      @Power of Weebs
                                                      Its about abuse lower cooldowns of blink. if u see potential in harassing the carry into killing, like against spectre or those slow carry, max blink is good, otherwise u can go 1-3-2-1 or 1-2-3-1. I killed a lot of spectre in laning phase as pos 4 with blink strike. IF you see int support heroes or those not tanky ones, max blink is definitely a good way to go, its a plus to abuse the low cooldown of blinkstrike for first 10 min.

                                                      all u need is 6 tango, 2 mango, windlance [important since riki has low ms early on] and get 1 obs from your pos 5 to block camp.

                                                      1 point of invi is enough because u dont rely on your backstab for first 5 levels. you rely mostly on your blink dmg. in first 5 levels u dont reveal yourself much since u will be taking a lot dmg and deal not much dmg. its around 30-40 dmg per hit with backstab after armor reduction, while blink will do easily 75 dmg + 35-40 dmg.

                                                      zeus pos 5 is viable, but there is a lot of downside. zeus pos 5 will ensure map control in early mid game, but falls off if your carry is the kind that needs support in mid/ late game like clutch save / heals / swap etc. zeus contributes not much control except dmg in teamfight in mid/late game as pos 5. if zeus pos 5 u need a playmaking pos 4 like tusk / earth spirit / earth shaker/ elder titan which can save and control and a bit of aoe presence.

                                                      thats what i did. I was really good with riki to the point that i reached 6.5k on 4 accounts and probably 7.xk if i focused on 1 acc even when riki was consistently nerfed since 2016. throughout the journey i developed very good game sense, shot calling and learnt most of the timing, mechanics and small stuffs that can make difference. the process of learning other heroes was made easier definitely. The game is 60% draft, 30% execution (shot calling, decision making) and 10% luck [clutch play etc and mistakes by both sides]


                                                        Nice, another example that this thing works

                                                        60% is too much for pub draft imo tho. I believe pro drafting is waaaaay more important than pub drafts. Like as a pub player i'd play way better if i play brood vs counters than if i picked the perfect hero for draft so i have more chance of winning.
                                                        I get ur point though

                                                        Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                                                          I love that there in high ranks are pos5 mains like u. I've started to play as pos5 when i was arch4 now i'm ancient 1 . But for me, it's very hard to adapt to other support heroes.. it's like they don't fit my playstyle... that's actually very bad cuz if the nerf hammer hits my fav X hero i'm gonna lose more games (maybe). The things i'm good at is creating space for my cores and playing the sacrificial lamb in team fights, that's how i'm winning the games actually... but i think it's not enough to climb higher...

                                                          P.S.: Also i'm bad at leadership ... Help ur little doge to grow bigger. ~ ♥


                                                            read john c maxwell's stuff if u aren't naturally a good leader and wanna grow it

                                                            Mode : TOPSON

                                                              ^21 laws of leadership ?


                                                                Stopped winning with RIKI lel


                                                                  @power of weebs
                                                                  ye that one's the main one but there are other ones that arent titled leadership but also are skills required for leadership. for example skill of creating influence on others

                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                    draft is especially important because it influences the laning outcome. you say drafts dont matter is because you spam brood and either win or draw the lane and jungle anyways.

                                                                    every game i win is because i secure lanes and crush lanes then win mid game with free kills from the advantage. every game i lose is because i didnt do it good enough and lost mid game due to chance.

                                                                    i even picked techies in my calibration matches to crush a lane when warlock and windranger got banned with the enemy first picking gyro thats how important it is to draft as they are pretty much free wins.


                                                                      Well yeah i agree with that but what could be deceptive about this for ppl who aren't good at various heroes is they might think since drafting is so important they should focus on that while they suck at most heroes. So if they get the perfect hero they're gonna play it terribly, and that's gonna give worse results.

                                                                      So imo first u gotta do the spam and get good at game sense, then add heroes to pool, and then u learn good drafting when u'r competent on a bunch of heroes


                                                                        in competitive games, draft contributes to 60% of the chance to win.

                                                                        A good draft from both sides means we would see a game that goes over 40 or 50 minutes and games are decided by the execution and luck.

                                                                        A bad draft from one side and we see 20 minute crush.


                                                                          ye i think i can agree on that pos 4/5 should be the one who make the call,since you stay behind most of the times + can see situation much better..or not lasthitting etc etc

                                                                          okay i'll do that cour snipe thing,never think it two times

                                                                          about fnatic,can it just like,ee the drafter and the one who's making command is other people in 4/5?


                                                                            generally pos4/5 captain is suitable to make calls about the general direction, such as smoke gank, push, time to retreat/farm, or whether to extend. however, pos1/2 can make calls that override the captain calls during big teamfight or mid/late game because they know the limit of their heroes.

                                                                            a captain must also possess decent knowledge about draft [not necessary a drafter] and helps in positioning the lane matchups.

                                                                            problem with fnatic is that, ee is a player that tries to make calls all the time, and often teach people what to do, it has its goods and bads, if you play core and you try to have full pictures of the games its not gonna work. cores require having complete control of the hero and the ability to utilize it as much as possible. this alone requires full concentration. if you try to multitask and keep on doing what the captains [pos4/pos5] who has the resources to do it, you can fail a lot of time. hence u always see ee 50/50. many times he overestimated himself and made awful play. if he manages his limited resources in a game well by not overworking his effort, one day he may win ti.


                                                                              i sea