General Discussion

General DiscussionMost OP hero

Most OP hero in General Discussion

    Who's the most OP hero in 3k bracket?




        Ursa ?

        Fuka suginai o nīchan

          Your hero should be able to stomp the lane early and push well through the game, like Centaur.
          But the best hero is probably Mars, after mastering him you should be in 4k in no time.

          This comment was edited

            Ever heard of pro carry player in your team? That is the most op hero


              ^^ the comment above is epic



                Player 281121816

                  Your hero should be able to stomp the lane early and push well through the game, like Centaur.
                  But the best hero is probably Mars, after mastering him you should be in 4k in no time.

                  Yeah, after your mars get rekt 1/7 by juggernaut

                  As for me, the most broken heroes were drow, mk, jug, am.
                  Drow: ridiculous 150 as aura and broken ulti

                  Mk: this shit ass monkey has everything. Strong lane pressure, stun, slow, escape, lifesteal, area damage (But somehow voldog think this hero was balanced)

                  Jug :450 dmg w/ magic immune at lvl 1, 1.4 BAT, 30 starting agi, area hp regen, omnislash can kill everything, even 10k hp centaur

                  AM: 3 scd cd counterspell with passive 45 magic ressist, enough said

                  Mungo Time

                    If you can play them.

                    1. Meepo
                    2. Arc warden

                    IM JUST A SUP

                      Pro carry player?? lol, what is he smoking


                        Smurfs will pick heroes like Huskar and Meepo to snowball in easy games. If you are not a smurf and just want easy heroes to win with then pick Wraith King or Underlord, those heroes can stomp in low-medium MMR.

                        < blank >

                          I honestly think that arc isnt always a good smurfing hero, not as good as meepo or huskar


                            I find Juggernaut is the best 3k carry. Majority of supports and cores don't properly land combos so its an easy manta dodge or spin tp out. He farms well, he joins early game fights well, he scales well, everything about him is in a good position right now.

                            I personally love going phase into mask of madness, almost always secures a kill with your ult and you can disassemble into a butterfly/mkb and satanic.


                              underlord, dark seer, necro, jakiro

                              3k dont buy bkb

                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                3k dont buy bkb

                                Yes they do lmao what are u smoking


                                  I've climbed out of 3k on multiple accounts by using Earthshaker. Players have bad positioning there so it's easy to get good fissures and echo slams through out the entire game.

                                  I just go support if you don't feed you can have sick items for late game regardless of being a support.


                                    A melee hero for sure, ranged heroes are shit right now.

                                    burden of dreams

                                      Mid techies

                                      remember to drink water

                                        Playing better is gonna gain you more mmr than spamming a meta hero :)


                                          for smurfing fucks meepo and brood and for noobs its warlock

                                          Fuka suginai o nīchan

                                            "Yeah, after your mars get rekt 1/7 by juggernaut"
                                            That was my first time playing Mars, like i was refering to personal experience..
                                            Mars is in fact one of the strongest Heroes.

                                            61 y.o.

                                              your mom

                                              Kontol Kalean Semua

                                                brood tbh , none understand how to deal w brood solar crest




                                                    Jug :450 dmg w/ magic immune at lvl 1, 1.4 BAT, 30 starting agi, area hp regen, omnislash can kill everything, even 10k hp centaur

                                                    not so fast... centaur used Ethereal blade, it's super effective


                                                      tbh, I think the best hero to stomp a Jugg is centa


                                                        bane mid, no joke


                                                          Trust me i was able to boost a friend from 1k to 5K using ember spirit , Dragon knight and Bane.


                                                            Clinkz even if you're bad at the game/hero you can manage to rape just with Aghs. It's really broken at this point in time.

                                                            C6 Arlecchino


                                                              23 straight wins best hero to climb win by urself, dont need a lot of networth and if you win a fight you get objectives.


                                                                Ahh a man of culture.


                                                                  Earth spirit still fucking op