General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on Playing Offlane to reach Divine and Immortal Bracket

Tips on Playing Offlane to reach Divine and Immortal Bracket in General Discussion

    Do you guys have any tips on how to play Offlane properly? I'm currently Legend 2 and I want to reach Divine and Immortal playing only Offlane as my main role.


      Step 1: dont


        why (is too short (minimum is 6 characters))


          Maybe first get to Ancient.

          Watch on youtube „speed offlane guide” and „how to win impossible lanes”.

          This comment was edited

            I am Ursa Offlane spammer. I reached Immortal once before. And I just dropped out of Divine recently. So I can give you some tips. Try to win your land if you can. If it's hard to win, play hide games with them when they can't kill you we win. Remember Jungle skill is used in this situation :lick:


              don't die too many times on your lane. Try having the most farm from your lane. Don't take the safest farm in the map go somewhere where the enemy doesn't want to be, because they want to do ex. thing. Also it takes ur entire LIFE to reach immortal. If u try to push a tower and you see that you might not be needed to destroy the tower you can always walk/tp to a lane/jungle and farm there. preferably mid farm. In order to learn the heroes strenght/weakness try playing as much aggressive as you can in your lane. Also focus on killing that range creep it doesn't matter what position you play the range creep is a must kill/deny which gives a exp to get lvl 2


                Buy tome faster than ur supps.


                  best tip i learned for offlane is abusing siege creeps, try to drag enemy wave when its the siege wave, glyph the siege creep (usually the minute 10 siege creep), tank the tower for ur siege creep and wait for the next wave to tank it.

                  nice impact

                    git gud and beat the shitters

                    sexy rose~

                      @== I didnt understand a single word that u said.

                      but as a pos 1 player I think best offlaners are those who can pressure lane against safe heroes and make them mad in lane phase. offlaners like: rexxar, underlord, Axe (sometimes) SK,..


                        Offlaner is always a losing land because pos 4 is always a roaming sup (for example the fucking pos 4 pudge :rage:). And enemy pos 5 is always babysitting pos 1. So safeland always outnumber offland. :lick:


                          ^Well this is not true. If I played Ursa off then my pos 4 would also give up on me.


                            Even we win the offland my pos 4 still give up and leave me. After that I lose the land again :axe_laugh: