actually help me find better mates. After overwatch is out my games are literally unplayable.
get gud and carry ur team stop cry1ng about ur mates
no one cares for ur team,1f u cant carry them u are bad
Looks like you just got worse at the game. Should start winning once your reach your true mmr. Perhaps low Legend or high Archon?
well the only think ive found by playing pos 1,2,3 is that in 3 i can carry out the games while on 2 and 1 you depends a lot of the team. ANd im not good enough mid player right now and also im experimenting some stuff which loses me games some times. Just check my last 50 matches and write again @torontotokyo.
same, I'm doing so bad recently I'm an anchor for my team
(well except when I end up most hero damage as furion)
Pick more OP heroes like OD and WK.
Oh wait, no you lose even while trying to abuse broken heroes. I played against your OD a couple of days ago, how you could have so little impact with such a broken hero is beyond me.
I think you're just a bad player man
Also keep buying shadow amulets you griefing piece of shit.
hows overwatch even good when piece of trash like this guy not getting perma banned???
hows that even related???
are u implying im living in your head or sth? sry i have autism, i dont want friends
Damn only got 20 something ?s. Guess I’ll have to try harder next time.
Cowareta is like one of those punching bag machines. The more ?s you get the harder the hit was to his mental wellbeing.
when overwatch was out i got shit team mates 99% of the time, but since overwatch was out i was never in LP nor had gameplay abuse. ALl i see is that u check my last minute purchase of shadow amulets and thats why u are tlaking to me without knowing what happened into the game. And yes some times i got bad games and at least im not using my smurf account.
Don't you think you've been playing too many heroes and roles?
well the only think ive found by playing pos 1,2,3 is that in 3 i can carry out the games while on 2 and 1 you depends a lot of the team.
Exactly, so why try to carry if on top of that it's not even your main role? It doesn't matter if a certain hero is op in the current meta, if it's not your cup of tea it's not your cup of tea. I'd say stick to your main role and play your A game with the heroes that really suit you.
Also go ranked with at least 8k+ bhs only and mute everyone
bruh ive increased 500 mmr with rank 5.5k beh score. DOnt talk to me like this. Right now its 7.4k and i dropped from 8k beh score. Even so if i change my role to 3 i will start winning again, but i wanted to play other roles.
Even so if i change my role to 3 i will start winning again
Well you found the answer to your question lol
A role that is not your main + potentially toxic games, how do you not expect to drop. If you wanna play other roles you do you, but those are the consequences until you master it. Like this how, was trying to help O.o
no im impressed about the difference in the games. WHen i play offlane some what my team is decent. But once i got mid/carry my team goes full retard mode and is worse than ever
Its the details u need to know. There is some pieces missing from ur play style. It can be map positioning, rotation etc.
Dont blame ur team, plz. U r the problem xD
Expect your teammates to be bad. Thats why they are stuck in their mmr.
It take discipline and understanding of the game state for us to not make mistake.
These shit win us game.
i rather watch 59 games before it to see how good players carried trash like u than watching 5 60 iq shits blaming each other in a video game LMFAO
void spirit:
wraith king:
tell me if this wasnt my team mates fault loss. Yes i could play better but if 2 of my mates are bad and toxic i don't even want to continue playing with them and many more games
25m average games
this is the shit i deal with every time i play this trash game; pos 5 break items and grief for 25 minutes,
if i dare and say trash to my pos 4, who most likely has 6k+ ranked games just like u, after dying lvl 1 FOR 0 REASON, he start taking my lasthit. i tell them since beginning that i cant do much till i get lvls , yet they going yolo lvl 1 and feed enemy carry , EVERY FUCKING GAME then blaming my pick :))))))
u know who has the highest networth @10 in my team every fucking game i play 3? ME, FIRST PICK FUCKING LYCAN WHO HAD ABSOLUTE ANIMAL POS 4 CONTESTING HIS LH
u know who has higher networth than me?? enemy 3 cores =)))
now despite all of this trash beings in my games, im not a 4k dogshit animal played 6k fucking ranked games and tried every fucking hero
U ARE Here is my 1/9 mid Wisp with 18 min Dominator, die 8 times in first 10 min =) fucking rigged shit.
SO... IT SEEMS LIKE I CAN WIN in Ancient. But IT SEEMS LIKE I CAN'T WIN in Divine. Ursa Divine gate keeper is me.
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Any idea how to start winning again?