You probably don't suck as bad as you think you do. The most played hero you have only has 24 games and you only have 300 games total. As far as experience goes, that really isn't that much. I'm kind of in the same boat in that I play mostly everything, but one of the #1 pieces of advice I see that doesn't pertain to mechanics or gameplay is that to choose 1-2 heroes and just spam the hell out of them and learn them in and out even in unfavorable matchups.
Thank you @Clear
But I really feel bad when my most played heroes have like 30%percent winrate
you should just watch how better players play your hero and try to mimic what they do, eventually u will get it
Spamming heroes doesn't prove anything unless u want to climb mmr. Ive proven enough times that u don't need to spam 1 hero in order to have let's say full page winning streak. As far as experience goes I've enough pub exp to be better than most of my mates
different heros have different farming patterns and all, if he is trying to learn the game its best to stick with a single hero, that way he doesnt have to relearn the basics of each hero all over again. I spam like 3-4 heros each patch to learn the meta before doing anything else and its kind of working
I try to farm better but my team plays against me and steals my cs or disrupts my last hit momentum.
I will try to spam 2-3heroes like people suggested maybe my mistake was trying to counter-pick everygame
yep just use less heroes more often and just play more dota. Almost everyone sucks their first couple hundred games, especially if it is your first MOBA.
IF YOU ARE SO BAD AT THIS GAME, you should pick only one hero like me. I am so good with Ursa
Trying to counter pick is fine but it’s best just to master some heroes first and then worry about counter picking. Also if your teammates are always taking your farm, try to look at the map more. See where your teammates are on the map and go to where they aren’t.
wow dude I love playing ursa too but you went all in 5k matches and ancient rank
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Is it because I dont feel like picking hardcarry everygame to win games or don't coordinate with team?
Maybe my itembuilds suck