General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy 3k can be harder then 5k

Why 3k can be harder then 5k in General Discussion

    So I have 2 ranked acc. One is 3700-3800 my first acc. Other is 5000-5200.

    So I find games hard in different ways on this two brackets. When I played on my 3k acc, even though I gained a lot of MMR fairly fast I sometimes get these games where I know 100000% I wont be able to win even if Im a lot better then this average. Get LC on hard support who wanna jungle, then carry picks Marci and dies 16 times, supports dont wanna pick any stuns and just afk farm.

    There is a big skill disparity on this level for some reason, like 3k players can either play OKAY like know most normal basics, or they can be absolute RUINERS and u just flip the coin on which team u get on. Now Im on 4 lose streak after 500 MMR gain, literally all games HARD GRIEFER that is impossible to win, while the enemy is playing just okay like u would expect normal people that want to win play, like enemy carry doesnt die 5+ times in lane and has kinda normal timings, supports are buying smokes and de warding, playing around cores instead of jungling etc.

    Now when I play on the Divine account things are different. The hard part is the actual Dota stuff, like laning vs decent player and support ganks, out playing enemy with good smokes, good rotations, and other normal dota 2 stuff instead of solo-ing X amount of ruiners. I think I just function better with people that want to win and play actual dota, when I play on 3k the main issue I get is I just get bored of the slow pace and start throwing myself cause I just wanna play like ur supposed to.

    When I play at higher MMR I also have so much more success with support role I won all of my recent all role queue games I HATE playing support at 3k to 4k shit brackets, the progress is too slow, the players dont want to play the right part of the map and its just not worth trying to climb like that at least for me, u can give people free games but if ur unlucky they will find ways to throw it all away, the climb can be done with support but its too slow.

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      Go on


        ur an ugly ass indian manchild with 10k hours in dota 2 and 5k hours in dotabuff forum trolling, go upstairs and troll your mommy instead


          well if u hate playing supports on 3k bracket, why dont play cores?


            I play mostly cores but i rly wanna spam ES

            '96 Neve Campbell

              Wait so
              If 5k is harder than 3k
              And 3k is harder than 1k
              Does that mean that 1k is harder than 5k? Is 1k the true immortal bracket?

              Hexy Rose~

                you know what is the worst thing playing in shitty brackets? when u tell ur team to go fuckin ROSHAN before hg and they completely ignore and throw at high ground,
                or when telling them instead of hg, go hit tier 2 tower safelane and they just go hg mid... it kills vibe and it kinda makes u act like them. I mean I no longer go for roshan when enemy dead.. and just push mid like everyone else lol
                another thing is in shitty brackets usually 1 team's sup dewards often and buys smoke and create a gank, while the other team's sup afk's jungle and destroys the space instead of stacking jungle.
                my recent games were completely stomp if u look at. it's my team's advantage or theirs and one of us wins due to teammates. as u said here at the start of the match u should flip a coin and pray god that u don't get mf teammates
                exmp: u get a hard sup ogre who buys hand of midas early with 0 sentry / or an AA who builds attacker instead of building kite items/ or u get fckin "techies MID".. then you know it is OVER since start. you Must either pick mid and stomp early, or pick hard carry and pray enemy doesn't stomp

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                NA DOTA Enjoyer

                  Stop lying.


                    factually true if you're playing pos 4 or 5. not if you play pos 3 2 1

                    people below divine are most of the time uncarriable fucks. Doesn't matter how much space you made for them or how much you made them win the lane, they buy the most obtuse shit, don't push when you gotta push and don't take objectives or even itemize as they should

                    it's beyond exasperating playing sup in low brackets


                      *climbs from 2.3k to 4k with only support AA/Techies*


                        If 3k is harder than 5k, 5k mmr will become 3k mmr and 3k mmr will become 5k mmr. Don't care about it. For example I play Axe on Ancient and Divine rank. My winrate is 50%. Then I create a new account and play normal all pick game with Axe. My winrate is only 20%. So stop asking about it anymore :axe_laugh: :laugh:


                          Im not gonna play a few thousand games with 51% win rate mr scam call center manager if Im not ranked up every 20 games then i see no point playing this game.

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                          Hexy Rose~

                            Apipe^did u even understand what u said bro?
                            @AD.goku so will u try yourself out to ply techies/AA pos 5 in Archon rank again? I guess the time u climbed like that was probably 2 years ago

                            another day in paradise

                              lul what bullshit is this


                                biba I bet you have stopped gambling already. Because if you don't win every 20 games, you will see no point doing it anymore. :laugh: :lick: :axe_laugh:


                                  I climb from crusader to ancient with only supports. In general the concept of space is very simple. If your allies are not able to utilize the space you created, then you use the space yourself instead of giving it to the enemy team. So in lower ranks, you have more space, which allow you to get your item timings faster or secure more aggressive items. In higher ranks, you have less space, so supports should focus on helping cores accelerate their farm by stacking or partial nuking of creeps.

                                  So 3k brackets are harder in the sense that both cores and supps have more work to do, coz other supps and cores are not doing them. However 3k brackets are easier in the sense that since you have more farm than the opponent, you should be able to deal more damage for your team. Unfortunately, there is a difference between cores and supps in this aspect, is that even supps who are fat will not be able to contest against cores that are fat. This creates the theory of why it is easier to rank up in 3k using cores versus ranking up in 5k using cores.

                                  The above does not mean that you cant rank up with supps in 3k. It confirms the theory that heroes that can make use of more space can do better in lower ranked games.




                                      does it matter? This same argument was posted even 3 years ago, when I was a guardian 5 player. It's just low skilled dogs like you try to make themselves feel better by shifting the blame on external factors instead of accepting the fact that you are dogshit at the game.

                                      the only difference is, player that commit to improve manage to climb, and low skilled dogs like you who only blame just rot at low mmr.
                                      Also, I'm not the only player that climbed like this, there's many ppl who did that. It's much more easy now due to support role getting so many buffs across last 2 years.
                                      If you plan to climb as support, your only job is to open up winning conditions for your teammates.
                                      Just warding/dewarding whole game and making glimmer+force every single game and improving your positioning will easily put you at 3k.

                                      Play to improve and mmr will go up. It's as simple as that.
                                      Also the climb takes time, cause improvement and changing habits takes time.

                                      1.4k to 2.3k -> 4 months
                                      2.3k to 3.7k -> 8 months (then I dropped to 2.7k again, cause I thought I was good and started blaming matchmaking for all losses)
                                      2.7k to 3.5k -> 9 months (took me long to change few very bad habits while playing)
                                      3.5k to 4.1k -> 3 months (and I stopped ranked after this cause of workload-Now I just play casual unranked and that's it)

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                                        XDXDXDXDXDDDDD xdxxdxdddxdx


                                          Op dropped on his head as a baby i guess stop flaming him sadge.


                                            If u have account on 5k why do u even want to have account on 3k to play with ? If u cant win in 3k and u can in 5k that means ur relying on ur team a lot . I know how that works cuz im that type of player myself . In better teams i menage to do a lot , in worse teams i cant play the game .

                                            NA DOTA Enjoyer

                                              I watched your replay and it doesn't look like 5k bracket.


                                                3k is like all or none response. If you get good teammates you own and if you dont you loose. Same goes with lane , if you manage to win a lane you can snowball and no one will be able to stop you. Same goes against you, if someone on enemy is snowballing its really hard to coordinate people !!!