General Discussion

General Discussion5 man team always losing

5 man team always losing in General Discussion

    I always play with my friends 5 man but we always lose. I think we are doing fine early but then throws at mid or late game. What can we do to improve?


      Well generally if you have friends that play cores and tend to throw in mid-late, then they have problems with decision making. Easiest advice is to play safer - secure rosh, keep bbs. But honestly its easier to change friends. They probably should play more solo to learn how to carry the game from any position by themselves. But I think some people just never learn.

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        You should do like your winning enemy are doing :laugh:


          The lower the average MMR of the games go the likelyhood of smurfs goes up. As they cannot team up with the shit tier players they need to get their smurf accounts out. And thus highly imbalanced games are born...

          In all honesty, you should take a look at your drafts. You need to have better team compositions and heroes that come online at different times to win a game. If you constantly losing late game, you are probably playing heroes who like to fight early and just don't have the juice to handle a late game PL, AM, Medusa, Spectre etc. And you need to keep farming and getting items even though the game seems to break down into constant fighting. You need to keep scaling with your core heroes and supports as well. Also, VISION is key... You can dodge the enemy team and not fight if you see them coming.

          But with 5-man Dota, there is a clear difference in the games than when you go into your solo queue game. There is some resemblance of team fighting in the 5-man games when solo games are generally just pure chaos.

          flourishing new leaf

            The safest thing to do if you're winning is 5 man dota and end it at that point


              Lol I have the same problem of you mate, my friends are 500/1000/1200/1900 I have 300+ games whit them and 30 % WR ahahah
              No chanche you always find tryhards, smurfs acc boosting griefers etc...
              It's worst Dota ever but you know friendship...
              We should play togheter!!