General Discussion

General DiscussionTopic about mmr recalibraiton

Topic about mmr recalibraiton in General Discussion

    My mmr before was 3900 after recalibration it is 3740 :\\\\\\. My record is 4-6 and 2 of the games were 5 man stack and a loss. I calculated about the mmr gain and it counts only negative stats. In second time I'm disappointed in the system all tho i did not played great both times. My first was close to 5000 mmr and i droppped like 400 mmr. This time i was close to 4000 and dropped 400 the same amount. Recalibration sucks don't do it especially if you're solo player.

    Starting mmr 3900:
    Record w/l 4/6 -> 2x5 party = 2 lost games (20+20=40 mmr loss), 4 lost solo games = 30*4=120 mmr
    total mmr loss 120+40=160.

    Gained mmr 4*30=120

    -My mmr after recalibration: 3900-160=3740.

    If counted correctly: 160 (mmr won) - 120 (mmr lost) = 40 (total mmr).
    3900+40=3940 total gained from the calibration of 10 games. But in reality it counts only the lost games.

    Summary: Once you go into negative score the game counts only negativity (loss) the positivity (wins) doesn't.

    I know im not great player, but i expected more for a 3rd time, but it is the same. I would like a summary of your starting mmr and win/loss games. Thanks. I dont have much time for playing as before, but being stuck in 3k mmr sucks.


      Last calibration - 3550 to 4030 (8-2) -Solo pos 5 - AA all 10 games:
      Calibration before that - 3130 to 3210 (7-3) - mix games of pos 1,3,5

      Once I get some free time, I'll try to finish the calibration for this year.


        so about yours @ad.goku.
        but for your 1st calibraiton ive no idea unless uve played multiple party games.


          IIRC, calibration before the last one had solo and party separate right? then they decided to merge both mmr.
          Might be hazy memory, but I remember getting approx 150 mmr in solo that time.


            ouch and yes


              I got 500 mmr from recalibration, I went 8-2.

              And now I'm too high and cant win anymore :(


                Thats pretty c00l


                  I haven't even started the calibration and might just skip it this time around. I have seen my mmr move at max 100 points up or down as a result... The effect on my MMR has been very minimal. And it hasn't made a big difference if I go 3-7 or 7-3.

                  Though, I just might throw it on since I don't have much to lose here... It is not like this will get me out of the gutter tier where I am at.