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      Budak Korporat

        good post, it's really informative


          >no techies buffs

          no handshake

            Nice post, as often on this website!


              Gr8 post m8 i r8 8/8

              jerkmate 1v1

                Buff Abaddon 6.89

                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  Make Leshrac great again.


                    Maybe 7.0 tho

                    CLEETUS McFarland

                      I love the banning phase! I always ban Pudge.


                        sadly,banning phase is just used to ban heroes that a player is spamming.


                          Yup, we should not be able to check profil of other player during load :(

                          Dr. Peterson

                            Banning based on what we see in the enemy team's profile is similar to what happens in pro games. Respect bans happen all the time. It doesn't make the ban any less valuable.


                              most balanced patch


                                Morph is currently god tier.

                                Admiral Trolldog

                                  I think one hero is not very balanced.. Pa, very tanky and much damage output + invisible on the map

                                  no handshake

                                    Also I wanted to say: the picture you chose to illustrate the article is really cute and relevant to the title. > Well played


                                      if the game was balanced, then all the characters would be roughly equal share of victories and pick. In this meta we see PA with 37% popularity and a 52% winrate and lone druid with 2% pickrate and 42% winrate. What can we say for the Chen and Visage - nothing.


                                        AYy lmao

                                        Sei la

                                          Veverka, some heroes are harder to master. Chen and Visage are two cases of heroes with perpetual low winrates that got buffed at some point in the past due to the impact it causes in competitive - in the hands of a guy who knows what he is doing.

                                          Occasionally Valve decides to buff some of these heroes up to the point it gets nasty, then adjusts it back to healthy levels... Earth Spirit, Meepo, Invoker and Storm Spirit are good examples in recent history


                                            "I think one hero is not very balanced.. Pa, very tanky and much damage output + invisible on the map"

                                            N!nj@ [A§§]@$[§¡n]

                                              i agreed thelma'rine


                                                I want 6.85 back !!!!(((((


                                                  Invoker Eul's is still nasty, can instagib many of the squishier cores / supports (well, those without a built in blink).


                                                    Bring back Troll/Sniper combo! wooo! Best freaking thing ever! Well, in comparison to, say, life as a snowball in Hell, or perhaps being in a movie theater in which people yell at the actors on the screen...


                                                      вы ебаннутые?


                                                        @ Stairway to Heaven as far as i remember earth spirit has received nothing but nerfs since introduction 2 years ago for like ? 8 patches in a row

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                                                        Galip Ersoz

                                                          All pick ranked game ban phase is the worst thing ever happened to dota community


                                                            Rise in rank that i stuck in years with all role pudge, i wonder what happen to this hero.


                                                              lina's laguna blade 850 pure dmg, 50 secs cooldown, over 400 mana cost (with upgrade 4200 gold)
                                                              pa's dagger 1000 dmg, 5 secs cooldown, only 15 mana cost (with desolator 3500 gold)
                                                              hahaha PERFECT BALANCE..

                                                              El Diablo ☠

                                                                Sarllo, if you use that example to argue that Dota isn't a balanced game is obvious you don't know anything about MOBAs and even less about Dota.

                                                                Nervous Bakedown

                                                                  I feel like omni needs a different spell instead of repel. Its a pretty broken spell when you look at it. I mean the item alternative costs 4000 gold and doesnt give any stats


                                                                    "This fall"


                                                                      nice post. very useful

                                                                      Von Darkmoor

                                                                        Actually its more balanced and more even if its 2 heros or 1 hero (etc Windranger/Invoker) that is the 2 astonishing pubstar this patch instead its 15 heroes its simply impossible for the bottom picks to win vs the top 15 picks so in a way its more unbalanced than ever... That is if your not a FOTM fa**ot unfortunently you seem to completly miss that part. ( Looks almost like Heroes of newerts original heros compared to the Dota ports.)

                                                                        Also previously they released a big patch 1-2 months after the inteternational now they suddenly wait for a major aswell.

                                                                        ZZzzzzZZzzzz atleast theres other games to play instead of Dota in the meantime hopefully this gets fixed by the new patch in mid December or January otherwise ive wasted 6573 hours on Dota 2 alone and even more on Dota 1. Fuck i might even revert to Dota 1 for a while.


                                                                          Хм, сначала Вольво обещают МК в октябре, а теперь - "12-го декабря". кек.

                                                                          El Diablo ☠

                                                                            people complaining about an unbalanced patch when they play a 2-5 hero pool where if their hero gets banned they have nothing to do pretty much. And ofc you can't win a match top picks against less picked heros simply because you can't pretend play a carry chen or a core Io. But as a carry I've been beated up many times by roam Visages or Jungler Chens that they know what they are doing and I simply can't stop them. Assume your rol in the game and master it and you will success or keep crying patch after patch about what is missing when winning is 60% drafting knowledge 35% skills and 5% luck. There is a pretty pop and basic game called League of Legends, give it a try ;)


                                                                              BUFF LESHRAC 6.89

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                                                                              Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                                                I just hope Icefrog buffs the heroes that were always forgotten: Pugna, Bloodseeker and Jakiro BibleThump


                                                                                  pugna dankest hero would be welcomed in hon

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                                                                                    >All pick ranked game ban phase is the worst thing ever happened to dota community

                                                                                    Says Riki spammer.


                                                                                      I think they should fix the report issue. Make it unlimited. We know that many dota players are not pro and some ppl are throwers. I admit im @ 2k mmr but the thing is i can't make my mmr higher because of my teammates :(



                                                                                        Lmao @ you

                                                                                        PMS Mantra

                                                                                          I think Icefrog is aiming for a 50% winrate on all heroes and until that balance is reached, we might be looking forward to more 'tweak' patches like 6.88, respectively.

                                                                                          I would personally like to see Queen of Pain's Aghanim abilities entirely reworked. Maybe to something like Bristleback's Nasal Goo with Aghanim's, only with her Dagger instead, on a longer cool down of course.

                                                                                          upvotes to the left

                                                                                            im just hoping that they'll make troll warlord a hero again

                                                                                            Fan of Knives

                                                                                              gyrocopter need very buff
                                                                                              his 3skill (his carry skill) shitest skill in dota 30 sec cd for 6 atack ? all carry have free cleave (sven luna medusa tiny pa am with bf ...)
                                                                                              and i dont say nothing about his 2 skill and his aghanim just i say :-|

                                                                                              apes strong together

                                                                                                > free cleave

                                                                                                > Tiny, PA, AM
