General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich team has better field advantage? (Radient / Dire)

Which team has better field advantage? (Radient / Dire) in General Discussion

    Please excuse me if this has already been covered, but I checked through the forums and from what I saw it didn't come up...

    I would like to know how the lay of the land impacts the game's outcome. Naturally, I assume that Valve has labored vigorously on attempting to make the sides equal for both sides that are playing. That way two teams that play in a Pub match feel they enter on a balanced playing field. But one must think, because the two sides are not mirror images, there has to be an advantage for one side over the other (however slight it may be). I believe this must be the case because of the side switching that goes on in tournament play to maintain fairness.

    So what do you guys think? Which side has the advantage? Which side do you enjoy playing on more? Any thoughts, ideas, and info you have are more then welcome.


      Afaik Dire is considered as having an advantage because of roshan beeing on their side of the river.


        What sneils said, the advantage is significant because the Dire have towers way closer to Roshan so they can tp to it really quickly and have more room around it to poke or engage (from the ancients, the secret shop and mid tier 1) whereas the Radiant can only really come from their jungle or the river or the high ground on the dire side once the tier 1 mid for the Dire is gone.


          Dire's jungle also allows more ways to pull camps, but its slightly harder to jungle in because of the location of the camps. Radiant can pull mid though. I always feel that I play better "facing up" as the radiant because of the way the view works, but it might just be me.


            Dire jungle is easier to farm and stack pull etc.


              As people said, Dire is easier for pulling, and tower / roshan / shop being near.
              But i like radiant because I'm used to attack up, not down.

              My worst spot is Dire Bot, i fail hard with the camera.

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