General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G : You are good at utilizing and finding farm. You seem like a nice person on the forums

    B : Obviously the Juggernaut and you seem to play very few heroes, give some others a try :D


      good : mid player
      bad : play some supports!!!!


        Good: Never played Techies
        Bad: Never played Techies

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            B: Smurf name, smurf account. :/


              g-tinker KDA
              b-still normal bracket even with that tinker KDA.


                g- play with all heros any role NICE

                b. ur nick is like 10 years old gamer


                  Good: Plays heroes with generally high skullcap
                  Bad: Look like a delusional Invoker instalocker

                  NextStep ®

                    Good : Experience player with 4k games

                    Bad : Hardly play support


                      good: good ranked wr
                      bad: 80% same itembuild with undying

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                        G : Support player
                        B : Low KDA on offlane,mid and carry heroes.


                          Your kunnka is so fucking awesome dude. Awesome KDA! Wow!

                          Rubick.. :X

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            good: SF player with nice KDA (also most kills with SF - 35 - same as me)

                            bad: 47.66% global wr? + Lothar SF most of the time


                              Good : top heeroes winrate
                              Bad : decent kdas for that winrates,winrate with most of your friends (well about friend dont take it serious, u maybe in a fun-troll mode when with friends)

                              Dune, the Desert Planet


                                G: Overall wr and top heroes wr and near 90% wr in -rd for ~600 games (dafuq)

                                B: 13 games with SF? out of 2.5k?

                                About wr with friends, only 1st one is my real friend and our wr is shit for two reasons:
                                1. we tend to play against each other
                                2. we almost always play high as hell (have no idea what is going on)

                                Others are just random ppl I got matched with multiple times. :D


                                  G- all top hero are 50%+ win rate

                                  B- seem to not play support very often

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    G-avg kda, looks like a good teamate IF using his top heroes.
                                    B-US server player, not ur fault but its a weak league


                                      good:have muscle
                                      bad:probably fake photo

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                                        Gout Mawien

                                          Good: Winrate
                                          Bad: You seem to focus on certain heroes than diversifying by playing many different ones a lot. (specialization's not always bad though :)


                                            Support player, most heroes over 50% win rate
                                            Spectre KDA could be higher


                                              Good: +50% Winrate with mostly supports

                                              Bad: 45 Abandons

                                              gertouille la fripouille

                                                G: Nice winrates on main heroes

                                                B: Anti Mage?...


                                                  G: Nice winrate and kda on most played heroes
                                                  B: Phoenix picker


                                                    G:Top heroes winrate
                                                    Bad : cockwork winrate even top 3 most played heroes, winrate with friends (well about friend dont take it serious, u maybe in a fun-troll mode when with friends)


                                                      good : nice winrate overall
                                                      bad : 50 % of ur games are vs feeders

                                                      Forgos ☭

                                                        Good:He is the author of this topic also a good player
                                                        bad:lost his longest match (I couldn't find anything bad :( )


                                                          G: Support player
                                                          B: Struggling with winrates on top heroes.

                                                          Also @Groov I think it's weird that with exactly the same stack you're going from High/Very High brackets within one game. Every stomp is vs a team of 5 Anons' so you're obviously queuing RD/CM with some odd settings on to face lower skill, or bot opponents.

                                                          ...because 90% winrate in RD is not suspicious at all.

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                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                            good: high no. of games, veteran, seasoned.
                                                            bad: maybe playing too much? maybe time to be a coach?

                                                            John Matrix

                                                              Good: seems pretty good with most of his top heroes, and had the will to play 182 games with veno this patch
                                                              Bad: top two most played heroes, and you seem to have lost your touch with bs recently :P

                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                The Good: Support player and much games

                                                                The Bad: Multiple sub 50% wr heroes in top heroes

                                                                The Ugly: that recent Phoenix spam



                                                                  Good: Succesfull support player(endangered species), big hero pool and diversity in roles.

                                                                  Bad: It looks like you buy the exact same itembuild in every game with your heros, the items are not bad just there are times an other
                                                                  item would have helped you out much more. Perhaps one of the reasons why you currently have a low winrate(this month).


                                                                  Good: Very good winrate and kda with most topheros.

                                                                  Bad: Looks like you nearly always stack with someone, perhaps playing solo from time to time could help improve further.

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                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                    @Hasegawa, what makes u say I stack with ppl? Actually it's the other way around, I play solo 90% of the time, with the exception of fat z, who's my real life mate.

                                                                    to stay on topic:
                                                                    G: wr with Jugger, BB and cent. Very High Skill bracket.
                                                                    B: mains str heroes, try some SF, Invoker, TA... whatever. :D


                                                                      Actually i wrote about the guy above you ( You were just a few seconds faster), so it was just a fast glimpse and you are good overall i would say, i play nearly always solo and after i watched your stats, it looked like you play 50%+ with others. This is of course nothing bad but you know it yourself, having someone else on your side you can count on makes the life so much easier.
                                                                      (Someone has to take the hits and most times my teams are terrible squishy^^)

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                                                                      NextStep ®

                                                                        Good : Experienced player.
                                                                        Bristleback stats and plays undying.

                                                                        Bad : Didn't play much undying.


                                                                          good: ranked winrate
                                                                          bad: many unplayed heroes


                                                                            good: our winrates look alike (dat 56% ranked, highfive!)
                                                                            bad: you are not on my friend list and i guess this is a bad thing, lol

                                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                              good: ranked wr%

                                                                              bad: Yurnero and AM, so bad wr% and KDA

                                                                              ♡Mark Anthony Tan

                                                                                @kingsick epic hahaha

                                                                                Kamado Kun

                                                                                  good: very good mid heroes on top
                                                                                  bad: poor invoker (few games you will get better for sure)

                                                                                  Gout Mawien

                                                                                    Experienced with a large group of heroes, especially Invoker.
                                                                                    Winrates on non-pubstomp heroes (Lycan/Zeus) aren't impressive.


                                                                                      G-support player! yay
                                                                                      B-BH 33 win rate


                                                                                        G - 916 wins....
                                                                                        B - ...but he's a hacker!

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                                                                                        Primordial Soup

                                                                                          G: He's a professional...

                                                                                          B: Flamer

                                                                                          NextStep ®

                                                                                            Good : Dat visage

                                                                                            Bad : Your invoker is rather poor.


                                                                                              Good: Undying/support player.

                                                                                              Bad: Midas on undying? and Silencer WR and KDA


                                                                                                Good: Overall and Top Hero win rates
                                                                                                Bad: Tend to die a lot even with good positional items. Seems unable to queue alone or even go ranked as a stack.


                                                                                                  good: friendly and everything ;d
                                                                                                  bad: 48% wr with tonks Kappa

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                                                                                                    good pudge

                                                                                                    bad no TA avatar

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!