General Discussion

General DiscussionGreedy human nature .

Greedy human nature . in General Discussion

    Just a couple days ago I was saying I would be happy to just get back to 3.9k and not raise any higher ( my highest was prev 4.5k) now after calibration and being at 4.2k I’m thinking well I guess I need to get 4.5k where as just a few days prior I would have been fine staying 300 mmr lower than I am currently lol . Any ways I think it’s because trying to raise is more fun then just trying to maintain


      I went from 3.9k solo to 3450, won 5 and lost 5, but I guess losing 3 games in a row helps losing MMR in general.

      To be honest, I don't really care. 3.5k or 3.9k same shit, because if you're good you should be way above.

      Even if I dropped down to like Archon Tier I would still give 0 fucks, because it's quite easy to climb there.

      I'm not really upset losing 500 MMR. I'm more upset that I played ltierally awful during whole calibrtion process because of one thing: toxic games and literally people who would insult you for no reason.

      On a top of that my "NORMAL" behavior score is in danger. I don't want to see 6 month ban message appearing again...

      Btw, glad that you've managed 4.2k out of 3.4k, that's a pretty good difference in MMR.


        Green is gud

        Cute 2k girl Lexi :)

          I getting better at maintaining good behavior score, shit games where I have 65% of the whole teams hero dmg and kills and where losing with 4 feeders, you just want to flame so hard when people just sit around and dont even try.


            ^ good attitude never hurts . I guess this thread is kinda pointless now that I dropped 500 mmr from update lol

            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!