General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve

How to improve in General Discussion
Bobby P.

    I mean, I've been stuck at 3.1-2.7k mmr for months and I dont see much improvement for my game. What do you think is the best and efficient way to improve? I started from 1.3k and I watched pro videos, BSJ guides, GameLeap guides, and got to 3.2k peak at the end of year 2017. But in these past few months and games, I don't seem to have the edge on other players in my bracket and I really need a help for it.


      What is your problem? Are you getting outplayed because you have inferior mechanical skills/farming patterns/lasthiting/map awareness in general? Drafting? Why on earth did you picked anti-mage in 2018 when you had 3 cores in your team?


        git gud scrUEB


          Looked at a good bunch of your matches. Here are a few suggestions based on my observation :-

          -> Have you already caliberated your new mmr? If not, then don't try to play all the caliberation games in a day. Play and win 2-3 games a day when you can concentrate the best on games. Try and win atleast 7 games. That'd boost your mmr up

          -> In the bracket you are currently in, if you want to increase mmr only by playing cores, you should be able to heavy lift your team with minimal support or expectations from other members. You have good kda & cs to begin with, so try and focus more on split pushing. Join team fights only if your team is winning them or you know you will no die in that team fight.

          -> Other easy way would be to make space for your cores or harass the other team carry in the laning stage(10-12mins). If the enemy team has a single carry, just pick a hero like sky/qop/pugna and harass the sh!t out of the carry along with your offlaner. If the enemy team has multiple carries(cancer pub style), pick a roaming support like bara/bh/riki and create space to your team.

          Cheers !! and GL!

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          13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

            You died too many unecessary/avoidable deaths here. (last hitting under enemy tower at lvl 4 while someone is tping, trying to manfight to get a low reward kill on a support)
            You were an all core lineup so there wasn't someone who wards the map, so you died alot in the jungle. Buying 75g wards as a carry isn't that big of a deal if you can farm safely on your jungle rather than die an unecessary death and lose 300g

            You are too afraid to last hit/deny on the laning phase even though you can easily wreck them thus you miss a shit ton of last hits and deny and lose an easy lane. Be more aggressive.
            You tried to manfight again so much times here just to get some low reward kills. Your death as a carry isnt worth 3 support kills. Always play safe and dont dive.

            Mechanically-wise, you still have a lot to improve on.
            Your map awareness is bad, so you die a lot.
            Your last hitting sucks bad as a carry, you miss like 50% of the last hits on the laning phase. Practice on the last hit trainer.
            As a carry, you manfight too much on the laning stage and lose so much last hits. Its not your job to zone out the offlaner unless you don't have supports or unless you can kill them. Focus on the creeps.
            You dont know how to control the wave, practice controlling the creep equilibrium, its very important. A highly skilled offlaner could easily punish you for that.

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              try to spam lycan or other pusher hero ( well if u know the gameplay )

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!