General Discussion

General DiscussionZoom out cheat?

Zoom out cheat? in General Discussion

    Guys, i was wondering if this guy playing bloodseeker is actually a cheater ( Please watch replay using his prospective: his clicks dont match cursor + in some moments he controls the camera absurdly like he is able to see game map on the top side of his screen: 2.40, 3.05, 5.30.


      Map awareness might also be a thing, people I thought were cheating are some of my friends and turns out they're just talented


        Or he just has a dual monitor and replay is bugged...


          Ok so, if you have dual monitor or the now supported ultrawide this could be possible tho its a hardware advantage. Also the player is Oxn who's been very good for a very long time so unlikely he's had to cheat to get where he is


            I didn’t look at it tbh. I just know that gosugamers calls out a lot of people as using zoomout when they just have a second monitor.