General Discussion

General Discussionyo valve

yo valve in General Discussion

    can u unban my acc from 6months?


    can u reset behaviour score?


    can u stop abusing reports if u dont even watch replay?



      yes gotchu bro. sorry bout dat its just a glitch in the system

      i alredy contacted gabe bout this so can you enter your credit card info here so we can pinpoint your acc and confirm if its you?



        have you tried not using sky's scripts? ty

        unbreakable spirit

          Most played hero : skywrath
          Banned for six months
          Hmmmm *thinking face*


            * :thinking:


              there's a reason why scum like you are banned for such long periods of time. why does no one else have this problem? fking trash.


                Im sure all 6 month bans are justified


                  Just a glitch . I wouldn"t worry about it


                    I don't think I've ever recieved lp where I didn't deserve it, and I've been to lp many times over the years.

                    Working as intended; see you in 6 months.

                    This comment was edited

                      guys u who dont have 6months ur just u dont understand that?

                      u dont tryhard u dont flame ur just ingame for fun , whats a point of that?

                      go pro or dont play ranked , thanks , u can go play tetris 2 its fun ;)

                      damn nabs, why than soloQ matched me vs LIL *8150 mmr ?

                      coz im damn noob right?

                      got 10 accs banned ,coz this solo Q is fucking joke , when miracle or dendi play they put bot or some kid 11y old vs him on lane so he can abuse his mmr when he want , its so hard to win like that lol , and raise ur mmr ahhaha fucking jokes,

                      i wanna see miracle or any "pro" to go from 3500 mmr raising to top 250 , if he raise it in 1year ill stop dota ,damn abusers and nabs..


                        You need help dude pls get help


                          "u dont tryhard u dont flame ur just ingame for fun , whats a point of that?"
                          ^ what a f.a.g!


                            i wanna see miracle or any "pro" to go from 3500 mmr raising to top 250 , if he raise it in 1year ill stop dota ,damn abusers and nabs..

                            Except they actually do that all the time when they make smurfs.
                            It's not hard if you're 7k and know how to abuse the same mistakes 3-5k players make all the time. :thinking:


                              But being toxic is not a reason to get banned!

                              W key

                                Gaben does not like you

                                W key

                                  I give lessons on how to stay calm and friendly for 45 $ a hour