235742518618Talent Tree+35 Strength25-40% Waveform Cooldown+20 Agility20-3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown+75 Attack Range15+250 Waveform Range+12s Morph Duration10+15% Magic ResistanceTalent Tree+35 Strength25-40% Waveform Cooldown+20 Agility20-3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown+75 Attack Range15+250 Waveform Range+12s Morph Duration10+15% Magic Resistance9Talent Tree+35 Strength25-40% Waveform Cooldown+20 Agility20-3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown+75 Attack Range15+250 Waveform Range+12s Morph Duration10+15% Magic Resistance10Talent Tree+35 Strength25-40% Waveform Cooldown+20 Agility20-3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown+75 Attack Range15+250 Waveform Range+12s Morph Duration10+15% Magic Resistance11Talent Tree+35 Strength25-40% Waveform Cooldown+20 Agility20-3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown+75 Attack Range15+250 Waveform Range+12s Morph Duration10+15% Magic Resistance12Talent Tree+35 Strength25-40% Waveform Cooldown+20 Agility20-3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown+75 Attack Range15+250 Waveform Range+12s Morph Duration10+15% Magic Resistance13Talent Tree+35 Strength25-40% Waveform Cooldown+20 Agility20-3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown+75 Attack Range15+250 Waveform Range+12s Morph Duration10+15% Magic Resistance14Talent Tree+35 Strength25-40% Waveform Cooldown+20 Agility20-3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown+75 Attack Range15+250 Waveform Range+12s Morph Duration10+15% Magic Resistance15Talent Tree+35 Strength25-40% Waveform Cooldown+20 Agility20-3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown+75 Attack Range15+250 Waveform Range+12s Morph Duration10+15% Magic Resistance16Talent Tree+35 Strength25-40% Waveform Cooldown+20 Agility20-3s Adaptive Strike Cooldown+75 Attack Range15+250 Waveform Range+12s Morph Duration10+15% Magic Resistance20
113141624573891061218Talent Tree+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow DurationTalent Tree+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration11Talent Tree+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration15
413141613592781061218Talent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base DamageTalent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage11Talent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage15Talent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage20
13574910132814612Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain SlowTalent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow11Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow15
1478910131423516612Talent Tree2 Charges of Disruption25-30s Demonic Purge Cooldown+150 Demonic Purge Damage20+15% Disseminate Shared Damage-1s Shadow Poison Cooldown15+25 Movement Speed+10 Strength10+15% Shadow Poison DamageTalent Tree2 Charges of Disruption25-30s Demonic Purge Cooldown+150 Demonic Purge Damage20+15% Disseminate Shared Damage-1s Shadow Poison Cooldown15+25 Movement Speed+10 Strength10+15% Shadow Poison Damage11Talent Tree2 Charges of Disruption25-30s Demonic Purge Cooldown+150 Demonic Purge Damage20+15% Disseminate Shared Damage-1s Shadow Poison Cooldown15+25 Movement Speed+10 Strength10+15% Shadow Poison Damage15
13574131428911612Talent Tree+1.9 Nether Ward Damage Per Mana25+180 Nether Blast Damage+1.5s Decrepify Duration20+20% Life Drain Heal+350 Health15+30% Decrepify Movement Speed To Allies+2 Nether Ward Health10-1s Nether Blast CooldownTalent Tree+1.9 Nether Ward Damage Per Mana25+180 Nether Blast Damage+1.5s Decrepify Duration20+20% Life Drain Heal+350 Health15+30% Decrepify Movement Speed To Allies+2 Nether Ward Health10-1s Nether Blast Cooldown10Talent Tree+1.9 Nether Ward Damage Per Mana25+180 Nether Blast Damage+1.5s Decrepify Duration20+20% Life Drain Heal+350 Health15+30% Decrepify Movement Speed To Allies+2 Nether Ward Health10-1s Nether Blast Cooldown15
28912135741013146Talent TreeEnsnare applies Break25-10s Mirror Image Cooldown+1 Mirror Image Illusion20-20s Song of the Siren Cooldown-50% Mirror Image Illusion Damage Taken15+10% Mirror Image Damage+30% Rip Tide Damage10+100 Reel In Pull SpeedTalent TreeEnsnare applies Break25-10s Mirror Image Cooldown+1 Mirror Image Illusion20-20s Song of the Siren Cooldown-50% Mirror Image Illusion Damage Taken15+10% Mirror Image Damage+30% Rip Tide Damage10+100 Reel In Pull Speed11Talent TreeEnsnare applies Break25-10s Mirror Image Cooldown+1 Mirror Image Illusion20-20s Song of the Siren Cooldown-50% Mirror Image Illusion Damage Taken15+10% Mirror Image Damage+30% Rip Tide Damage10+100 Reel In Pull Speed15
135924781661220Talent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike DurationTalent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration10Talent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration11Talent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration13Talent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration14Talent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration15Talent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration18Talent TreeTriple Strike Stifling Dagger25+10% Coup de Grace chance+60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed20+200 Phantom Strike Cast Range+15% Stifling Dagger Damage15+15% Immaterial Evasion-1.5s Stifling Dagger Cooldown10+0.5s Phantom Strike Duration25
241014135789111361218Talent Tree-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 DamageTalent Tree-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage15Talent Tree-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage16
11314389102457612Talent TreeReincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blast25-2s Mortal Strike CooldownSpecial Bonus Unique Wraith King Facet 320+60 Attack Speed+400 Health15+1s Wraithfire Blast Stun DurationSpecial Bonus Unique Wraith King Facet 110+10% Vampiric Spirit LifestealTalent TreeReincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blast25-2s Mortal Strike CooldownSpecial Bonus Unique Wraith King Facet 320+60 Attack Speed+400 Health15+1s Wraithfire Blast Stun DurationSpecial Bonus Unique Wraith King Facet 110+10% Vampiric Spirit Lifesteal11