84% Core
Safe Lane
Core Breakdown:
78% Safe Lane
15% Off Lane
7% Mid Lane
0% Roaming
0% Jungle
Support Breakdown:
75% Safe Lane
25% Off Lane
0% Roaming
0% Jungle
0% Mid Lane
Overview | Matches | Win Rate |
Stats Recorded | 8,079 | 52.74% |
No Stats Recorded | 89 | 44.94% |
Lobby Type | Matches | Win Rate |
Ranked MM | 6,209 | 52.01% |
Normal MM | 1,685 | 54.07% |
Other | 168 | 65.48% |
Game Mode | Matches | Win Rate |
All Pick | 6,613 | 52.50% |
Other | 1,265 | 54.15% |
Faction | Matches | Win Rate |
Radiant | 4,061 | 55.36% |
Dire | 4,018 | 50.10% |
Region | Matches | Win Rate |
Europe West | 5,890 | 52.56% |
Europe East | 742 | 52.16% |
Other | 1,171 | 53.37% |
Friend | Matches | Win Rate | |
No recent matches with friends |
Name | Last Used |
OberonOrdinatus | |
LoL 2 | |
tv/OberonOrdinatus | |
Brother of Metal | |
Oberon Ordinatus |
Last Updated