At least 10 TrueSight analyzed matches are required to show this.
100% Core
Mid Lane
Safe Lane
Core Breakdown:
50% Mid Lane
33% Safe Lane
17% Jungle
0% Roaming
0% Off Lane
Overview | Matches | Win Rate |
Stats Recorded | 2,428 | 49.67% |
No Stats Recorded | 10 | 30.00% |
Lobby Type | Matches | Win Rate |
Normal MM | 2,387 | 49.81% |
Ranked MM | 40 | 42.50% |
Game Mode | Matches | Win Rate |
All Pick | 783 | 51.72% |
Random Draft | 83 | 48.19% |
Other | 15 | 66.67% |
Faction | Matches | Win Rate |
Radiant | 1,229 | 53.38% |
Dire | 1,199 | 45.87% |
Region | Matches | Win Rate |
China | 1,874 | 50.43% |
China | 554 | 47.11% |
Friend | Matches | Win Rate | |
No recent matches with friends |
Name | Last Used |
强强力熊怪怪 | |
月骑,我缓一会! | |
虚弱郎艳遇(缓一会) | |
强力陈宇丞(无脑) | |
强力葱爆牛肉 |
Last Updated