General Discussion

General Discussiondotabuff extended (mozilla and chrome addon)

dotabuff extended (mozilla and chrome addon) in General Discussion
Haldir was here 200609

    Thanks to the ┼jiæ░d▒r▓y┼ ( ) generous offer Dotabuff Extended is working again and now is available from chrome store.

    This Extension add additional data into various pages on site.

    Current Version: 0.6

    Mozilla Version (0.5):
    Chrome Version (0.6):

    Change log:
    0.6 - Various bug fixes
    0.5.2 - Added to official chrome store
    0.5.1 - Added signature link below image
    0.5 - Added Signature Generator (credits:
    0.4.3 - Removed hero_dmg, hero_heal, tower_dmg
    0.4.2 - Some links changed to point new domain.
    0.4 - Tower and Barracks Status is back :)
    0.3 - Fixed Bug that causes addon didn't work for some times. Tower and Barracks Status from version 0.2 is not working
    0.2 - Added Tower and Barracks Status
    0.1 - First release

    If you find some bug or you have some suggestion, feel free to contact me at

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      nice - may i order one for opera? :D


        Too bad it is not in chrome... or should I say, too bad it is not on the site to begin with.

        Haldir was here 200609

          Very soon I will build it for Opera and Chrome. And yes, I agree that is a pity that this data is not default on site.


            How do I use this? I've chucked it onto extensions. Like if I go to a match page, how do i see hero damage and stuff?

            edit: nvm, refreshed page

            this is sick as, thanks a lot

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              it didnt work for me, the chrome version, it gives me, "Apps, extensions, and user scripts cannot be added from this website"
              i would love to have this tool..
              can u help me?

              Haldir was here 200609

                u have short explanation here how to install addon to chrome.
                The deal is that i need to pay 5$ to place this simple extension to chrome store, and i dont wont to pay that, so u need to "manual" install it.


                  thnx a lot, btw u from?
                  ur name is in arabic language

                  Haldir was here 200609

                    im from serbia, arabic name for fun :)

                    amigo pool

                      wow, gj


                        +1 awesome extension. will install it as soon as I get a chance.

                        Haldir was here 200609

                          If someone have some suggestion send me email to or write here.


                            Are you able to put GPM/XPM in the "Matches" tab? Obviously only for that player.

                            Haldir was here 200609

                              U think something like this: ????


                                download link for firefox is broken for me :(

                                Haldir was here 200609

                                  Hmmm, I dont know what happen, cos link works fine for me.
                                  But u can try to find it manual. Go to:
                                  and use Search Engine, type "dotabuff" and you should be able to find it.


                                    Awesome addon, I assume it's using the api data, and as such I don't understand why it isn't already shown by dotabuff, however as long as it's not this addon will do.

                                    Haldir was here 200609

                                      Yes, it use api data.

                                      Haldir was here 200609

                                        Version 0.2 - Added Tower and Barracks Status


                                          Very awesome. Hurry up and release it on the real browser (Chrome =P)

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                                            Thanks, this is pretty sick.


                                              Thanks for the extension! really great :)


                                                Would it be possible to show tower damage in hero game impact? Where it shows KDA ratio, XPM, GPM on heroes. Really good work, keep it up.


                                                  or building damage *


                                                    Dotabuff guys used to be pretty active on these forums and r/dota2 , but they seem to have dissapeared lately... Did they just jump the ship or something?
                                                    Great plugin.


                                                      Not much to really do without data. You can only do so much...

                                                      World Emperor

                                                        worked great! Thanks!


                                                          chrome version dont work


                                                            it worked for me, but the tower and barrack status r inverted,
                                                            in this game:
                                                            we had only the bottom barracks up, and they had all tier 3 towers up, we won a fight and took the top tier 3 tower and then str8 to the ancient, in the skill & bracket section everything is inverted, it gives me that we had only top barracks up, and we took the bot tier 3 tower instead of the top one, if u can check this issue

                                                            anyways Great Job !!

                                                            Btw i use chrome

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                                                            Haldir was here 200609

                                                              Did u follow these steps to install it???
                                                              1. Instead of opening the extension you'd like to install directly, right-click the download link and select Save Link As to download the extension to your desktop.
                                                              2. Open Chrome's extensions page in your browser by pasting chrome://chrome/extensions/ into your address bar and pressing Enter.
                                                              3. Drag and drop the extension you just downloaded into the Chrome extensions page.

                                                              Hmmm, thanks for noticed that, its really look like the tower and barracks stats are inverted. I'll try to fix this asap.


                                                                but still u doing a rly gd job :D
                                                                Keep it up !!

                                                                Haldir was here 200609

                                                                  The bug is now fixed, thanks for finding the bug and posting it here.

                                                                  sweaty muddy bloody

                                                                    not working for gc

                                                                    Haldir was here 200609

                                                                      Extension is currently not working, cos my hosting site suspended my account
                                                                      "Suspended (Suspended for violating 20%+ CPU usage limit for more than 1000 times. Please upgrade to our premium UNLIMITED hosting at to get your account reactivated.)"
                                                                      I'm trying to fix this problem. Sorry and thanks for support.

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                                                                        i clicked the link, it gave "Not Found"
                                                                        and by premium do u mean it needs money?

                                                                        Haldir was here 200609

                                                                          Link was bad, cos i forgot to add "http://", and yes premium means that I need to pay 4.84$ per month...


                                                                            Get it onto the Chrome Web Store.

                                                                            Haldir was here 200609

                                                                              I will if u give me 5$, because everyone who want to place app on chrome web store must pay 5$ :)


                                                                                You're more likely to get donations if it was on the chrome store, see the $5 as an investment! :P

                                                                                da da da davai

                                                                                  is it possible for dotabuff to implement this? This feature is very useful!


                                                                                    I could host this for you in the interim.

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                                                                                        Why does it require to access data on ""?

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                                                                                          ┼jiæ░d▒r▓y┼ Ty for reliving this


                                                                                            No probs. Happy to keep it alive, and would like to see further improvements made in the future.

                                                                                            The plugin does not directly interface with the dota API, it requires a 3rd party to handle all of that (we happen to get caching as a net gain). If you are so inclined, you could donate a domain to the cause, otherwise it will piggyback off of another domain already pointing to the server in question.


                                                                                              Hopefully we get tower/barrack pictures back up soon. The server side is ready but ميلانشي needs to update the plugin when he gets a chance.


                                                                                                thank you for sharing


                                                                                                  No probs