General Discussion

General DiscussionRadiance on Timbersaw

Radiance on Timbersaw in General Discussion

    Radiance on Timbersaw.... good or bad? just want to hear peoples thoughts

    Ples Mercy

      trollbuild good, srs -> bad


        rad on timber is an idea worth trying. the reason radiance is good on heroes like weaver bs and bristleback is they tend to chase heroes so the radiance burn dmg helps chasing tremendously. Teamfights tend to last less than 5s so radiance is not good on most heroes because it gives too little value for its cost.
        Timbersaw is a hero that tends to last in teamfights. Hard to kill and hard to chase. Radiance could be very good on this hero.


          Against a puck, ES and blink slardar then mayyybe


            no just no


              I had some idiot that was versing me do it, He had bloodstone and radiance, every team fight he got instantly assassinated because hes a moron.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Not bad but his 6 items are generally something like:
                Halberd/BKB/Blade Mail/Pipe/Ghost Scepter
                So there is really no room for that item.

                This comment was edited

                  nvm , dont


                    Not worth it,better get shiva and blaidmail after bloodstone..


                      agree. shiva is way better, as the second big item.

                      Sōu ka

                        its fucking awful
                        you can kill an entire creepwave with 1 combo anyway so it doesnt speed up your farm
                        the extra rightclick damage is pretty useless as well
                        and timbersaw isnt really the best hero to stay on people other than just bursting them
                        the build up is fucking terrible and you probably wont deal more damage with it than with a shivas guard (which has like the best component for timbersaw as a build up)


                          I guess if you manage to get a bloodstone + radiance at like ~25min mark it could work, but then again you could've just bought anything and probably done more good with it.


                            The damage you get from it is wasted because Timbersaw is one of the heroes whose autoattack values the least (when you're not super-early-game-laning), like Crystal Maiden. The reason is that they should spend most of their time using their ult in teamfights, or their other skills.

                            So only if they have Puck or Lanaya or something, and even then it's probably better on other heroes.


                              If you're farming heroes then sure, but there are other items that work better on him.


                                I mean you guys won't know unless you try it. You guys will probably say blink on clinkz is retarded before it is being used by pro players without trying it.