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General DiscussionPost your Solo ranked match rating

Post your Solo ranked match rating in General Discussion

    after 10 games 7wins, 3 loss mine is 3500, not too shabby

    according to dota website the percentiles corresponding to the ratings

    5% 1100
    10% 1500
    25% 2000
    50% 2250
    75% 2731
    90% 3200
    95% 3900
    99% 4100

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        4575 so far, I however hope to get it over 5000 :/


          With this winrate, I am actually more than happy !


            3600 here. not bad bad I was expecting more. hopetoget to 4k


              well you probably have I great team impact, gratz on 4.3 k


                Those rating percentiles are for public matchmaking though.


                  5188. 5wins 5loses T.T



                    I'm cursed :/

                    The distribution is different in Ranked MM. So disregard those Normal MM stats.

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                      That was the first 2k rating I've seen. So let's say there are 6 millions accounts active every months, you're better than 3 other million people. Do you trust that rating in term of your overall performance?


                        He did win almost 1000 games. Clearly there are plenty of ppl he can beat. He has personally bested something like 4,800 players who will all see that they lost to him when/if they check his dotabuff profile. About the same number beat him too... but its going to be very hard for someone near the middle of the ocean of dota players to see all the way to the top or bottom.

                        Just like everyone but a tiny handful of the very best or worst... he will see in his games lots of people of similar skill, some better and some worse. Those far better, or far worse he will never see.

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                        Ples Mercy


                          андр нажми 30 на тел в гугл

                            3657 good? and grow up :D

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                              I'm happy with the performance of my allies. No auto attackers, etc. So, sure. The average match quality is much better compared to Normal MM. I thought I would come out at least 3k though.

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                                5626 solo rating

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                                  3114. Gained 24 points from a stompy snowballing win as Timbersaw.


                                    I lost 7 games, won 3. But I got 4686. hmm

                                    Quick maffs

                                      two games, one i stomped the other one i got stomped.


                                      After my last od game i deserve even less.

                                      God i am so bad at clicking, i fucking astral myself because of a missclick -.-

                                      beast player

                                        5170 after 8 games


                                          At least you are able to see that you are misclicking. I think most people do not see and cannot admit how much they misclick. When I watch replays I see a ton of them even for excellent players. Even a pro player typically does a few important misclicks per game and plenty of unimportant ones.

                                          Another way to look at it... if you are not pushing yourself to the point where you make mistakes then you are not challenging yourself and will not grow. I went skiing with a friend of mine who was on the Olympic team. He said if you don't fall down, then you are not trying something hard enough. I was covered in bruises from head to toe... still it was fun.

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                                            4137 but I never solo, prob have like 20 solo games


                                              i got a little bit above 5k also apearently when trolling in ranked mm its higer chance to win than playing in normal mm doing same thing

                                              beast player

                                                yeah what the hell ppl seem to give up and not try when they are behind earlier in ranked


                                                  vaikiss is bullshitting, ofc he is not 5k

                                                  Penis Monkey

                                                    4616 on team, not got solo


                                                      Still who stacked before alot have also better solo rating,but is ok. There is no other options,if you can stack with 4 good players all the time you need to be also good in some way.
                                                      Me 4450 solo atm and 4650 party.


                                                        I got 3914 now and a 3-5 win loss

                                                        I should have stayed patient and waited til I can communicate in-game. I am muted this entire weekend lol.

                                                        But I wanna play and can't wait to see my MMR. It's a big factor though.

                                                        EDIT: oh, I still have my try hard account :)

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                                                          2-8 solo mm 4120:D


                                                            5839 solo

                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                              ^Wow this has to be the biggest lie I have heard in a while.


                                                                1 game played though, lol.


                                                                  Yeah you're right I can probably make it higher thanks buddy!!!

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                                                                    keep telling that to urself lmao


                                                                      my raitng is suck cuz i ragequitted


                                                                        lmao xD


                                                                          dont you need atleast 10 games to chekc ur mmr? i see ppl posting here like 3 - 5, or saying the played 2 games


                                                                            type this in your console

                                                                            developer 1

                                                                            you'll see it near the bottom.


                                                                              I'm probably missing out on some form of drama with dragonfist, but if his mmr is that high after one game, doesn't that just mean his normal ranking MMR was that high to begin with.

                                                                              Not sure why people think he would suddenly drop. Also, players that went 2 wins 8 losses seem to still stay close to their starting MMR.


                                                                                Think that vai guy is mad because he thought he was the top dog in the forums or some shit with his 5400 but people just didn't care enough to post theirs.

                                                                                I come from the dark

                                                                                  how do you check your ranking through console?


                                                                                    developer 1


                                                                                      Open console
                                                                                      Type "developer 1"
                                                                                      Type "dota_game_account_debug"

                                                                                      Don't type the "
                                                                                      Although they might have no effect

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                                                                                        5500 both


                                                                                          5500 wut?
                                                                                          Both wut?

                                                                                          LL Poroksi

                                                                                            @Blunt @ Fnatic
                                                                                            That is very wierd because you seem to be matched with people who have 3400-3800 rating. Your profile seems to be private too, quite interesting that you get matched up with such low rating ppl :/ (or you lie)


                                                                                              4910 just dropped from 5037

                                                                                              Penis Monkey

                                                                                                Poroski, I can tell you now in almost complete confidence that he's lying, I've played 3 games with him and I lost all 3, he's a fairly terrible team player. He can control his own hero averagely and thus does ok in pubs but his real abilities are severely lacking.

                                                                                                InSaiyan The Membrane

                                                                                                  Well i just finished my 10 solo ranked matches and these scores make me realize i need to do something different. I am only 2366. I am a newer dota player, within the last 8 months and I have played a ton. Even in these ranked matches I did what I feel was good games but score is so low.


                                                                                                    1 win 9 losses
                                                                                                    so not bad i guess


                                                                                                      I have 6k rating please someone believe me :/