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General DiscussionLooking for an adviser/mentor

Looking for an adviser/mentor in General Discussion
Ron Swanson

    What do you guys do to increase your individual skill if you have plateaud or think you did already. Im at 3200soloq with 3500 partyq with a 51% winrate. How do you guys get better?


      play alot

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        a lot*

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          Play a lot.*


            Learn from Vroks


              Well, I've been tutoring several (6 to be accurate) over the course of the past 5 months. Generally, I would advise against listening to people on DotaBuff (irony) but, I'm always open to help another person. You can add me if you want to learn a little bit, but if you don't trust me, that's fine too.

              An alternative would be to watch first person perspective from tournaments on various players, watch videos from teachers like LuminousInverse, or ProfessorFierce for example.



                playing alot doesnt necessarily help you improve whatsoever if you are doing the wrong things over and over again, watch front page live games starting at 0mins, whichever role you desire to get better, solo mid etc, watch how they do it and ull learn much faster


                  first ask yourself this question..

                  if you can play your hero using only your mind, would you win most game? if you think you would cause you would have used your skills at the right time and or cancel it at the right time, using 2 skills at a time ect.. then it must mean that your fingers are too slow and or you do not know your hero 100%.

                  playing more helps you know your hero and the heros abilities. practice using your mouse/keys/inventory items as fast as you can and accurately. use a mouse that has at least 2.5k dpi or something.

                  Woof Woof

                    on subject u most likely dont care enough


                      git gud, scrub

                      Ron Swanson

                        @Vroksnak, Xan, Melody-San,
                        I do play a lot, I started playing during the summer of 2013, about 1 month before TI3 started. I use to play dota1 then i went to hon then dota 2. I use to play casually and not wanting to get better. I have played a little over a 1000 games so i think that is quite a lot in the short time span till now.
                        Lol Vrok has a 61% win rate so yes i think i could learn something from him.. he must be doing something right, right?
                        I try to watch the games that they stream on I like listening to the commentators too for they point out in the small details that i would never have known or noticed. Thanks for the offer I appreciate it. Maybe we can play sometimes, i usually play on West and East of Us servers.
                        Most of the time if i just use my mind it would be a small pool of heros(Considering there's over 100 of them) and those characters are usually what my team needs for a more balanced line up, I try to pay attention to the turn speed or which direction my character is facing because i believe positioning is very important during the laning phases and the rest of the game. I tend to forget to use my magic stick or certain items sometimes when i get focused down in inventory. I use to have a Razor Salmosa mouse with 1.8k dpi. The right click died on me so now im using a stock HP mouse(the one that came with my desktop) and i notice the difference in precision and speed of the mouse. Maybe you can show me what you're talking about in game?
                        Lol i like a few songs from nirvana, thanks for sharing
                        Lol that was easy.

                        Ron Swanson

                          I do watch those games sometimes but, i mainly watch the ones on dota2lounge when they have tourneys running because it helps me more from the commentators and the coordination from the teams and reasons why they pick and ban etc


                            Play a lot and watch a lot.
                            Draskyl's stream is great to watch, he is always explaning all his actions and the game overall


                              play atleast 80 hours a week and u should get better in no time

                              Ron Swanson

                                in a span of about 6-7 months i played 1055 games. about 1150 hours played on dota 2. I do watch dota 2 and I only got to see Draskyl's commentary a few times during the d2l series in November of last year. He was very detailed and answered a lot of the questions other casters asked which was awesome to see they were picking his brain.
                                I don't think i can do that considering i have work and my semester is about to start soon.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  If you want to get a high winrate like vrok all you need to do is cheat, sadly dotabuff bans people from the rankings for cheating and you will get a exploiter tag on your profile like vrok.


                                    he wants to get good.
                                    and vrok is good.

                                    dotabuff is really irrelevant.

                                    Ron Swanson

                                      how do can you tell if someone cheats or is in that category? What kind of cheats are we talking about?

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        *This player is not eligible for inclusion top player rankings* (bottom of profile)

                                        he has done pretty much every single method to exploit his way to a higher winrate (low priority stacking, dodging actual teams that where in the que etc.)

                                        Not saying Vrok is horrible but he is nowhere near as good as his profile makes him look. He is just lucky that valve does not police their rankings like dotabuff or he would get banned from that too


                                          you seem to have a response to everything everyone says so... here is a guide to winning 100% all the time.


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                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                            @ The comment Sampson made about getting good like vrok

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                                              Play a lot in general, watch competitive players playing the role you prefer to play, watch good streamers play, watch your own replays to learn from your mistakes, play in amateur tournaments, et.c.


                                                sampson thats notihng new he used to do shit like that on dotalicious a while a go in same manner so yeah

                                                ants its nothing bad he just exploit terrible system which valve has for his own "profit"


                                                  @ sampson
                                                  Np for vroksnak, even dlg ban system didn't stop him from creating hundreds of accounts

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                                                    it was couple of months prior before dlg shut down tho. multiacc detection was top notch for quite a while.

                                                    and yeah profiles don't tell the whole story but I know the dude from way before. hence my comment.

                                                    Ron Swanson

                                                      Oh, I see now! Low priority were the worse of times.. good thing it only happened once to me.
                                                      That made me lol, not as funny as "Giff me mana" video.
                                                      Wow, I don't usually see people play visage at all in pub games. nice stat.
                                                      I do all of that except play in amateur tourneys, because I don't have time nor have 4 more to play with.


                                                        watch pro games. I only play dota like 4 games a week, but I have a really good understanding of the game mechanics, whats needed to win, how to get there, how to support, and the right plays to make. To look at my profile, I am kinda nooby. But I've seen about 250 pro games, and I am pretty experiences with dota 2 because of that. Its helped me to win quite a few game I would have ordinarily given up on. If you have regular access to dota 2, try some of the pro stuff you see in games.


                                                          @ the comments closer to the top: You can also go to Beyondthesummit on youtube. Lumi is often in vids, and a noobier caster by the name of Lysander xenosomething idk. By the time you are correcting the casters mistakes, you know you are watching enough videos :)

                                                          Ron Swanson

                                                            @35 Baboons,
                                                            When i was reading your comment I thought of my last game as wr, i did horrible oflfane and i know why but its frustrating when your carries are farming and you're stagnant because they keep dewarding with necro3 and ganking you with nyx. I probably play from 4-10 games per week if i have time. I've been watching the tourneys more since i do find it helpful and refreshing from playing. I like how the chat stream blows up when theres a mistake that everyone picks up on, hilarious.


                                                              yeah :). But in those times when they are focusing on making your life hell, remember that those are 2 heroes that are trying to take care of your one hero. You have to tell your team to use that time to push the opposite lane. :) look for the silver lining

                                                              Ron Swanson

                                                                @35 baboons
                                                                I did and let Am get fat and won the game. I just dont like getting shut down. Lysander Xonora? lol hes hilarious and has a different approach to his commentating, but lumi does know what hes talking about just wish it wasnt so monotone. Whos your favorite player to watch?

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                                                                    The crazy spastic ones :p. Rotk, bublas clockwerk, dendi, burning, ferrari 430, xboxt, akke, and sexybamboe. Usually the ones who do crazy plays and who can change the game. Most of these are mid people, and the rest are really good in lane, getting ahead, and have excellent decision making skills.
                                                                    I dont like Lysander cos this game I watched he kept talking about CoD references (360 no scopes and such) and focused on thte mid lane most of the game the mid lane too much. But I am used to the TI casters who are top of the line. :)


                                                                      Yeah no-one likes getting shut down :(


                                                                        except your pc after 12 hours of work.

                                                                        Ron Swanson

                                                                          @35 baboons,
                                                                          I like watching those people too! i just never heard of sexybamboe though. I like the TI casters they were the first ones i started watching dota2. I just like different flavors and when merlini starts being a correcting hater. Lol
                                                                          Your hamster should be ripped after 12 hours on the mill.


                                                                            Bamboe now plays with Zephyr in Korea for the new NSL season. I'm just now starting to learn who some of the others are. I do like watching Purge as I was doing a LOT of stuff wrong (like auto attacking, to start). It's not that I think he's the be-all, end-all, but he does a pretty decent job of explaining things. There is still a lot of things that I need to learn to do, as well, but last hitting was a major one that I was having issue with.


                                                                              OMG purge sucks. He makes mistake after mistake. I think I am better for my team than him. He almost never does team things like set up kills without taking them, crying about missed cs, and blaming other people about the slightest mistake.

                                                                              Anyway, sexybamboe ( plays the offlane usually, manages to get cs, stay under the enemies radar, and before they know it, he pushes the t2 or 3 tower with the 30+ spiderlings he has maganed to aquire. He is a good player who keeps his team head above water ny pushing, but not so much ganking

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                                                                                Purge understands the mechanics of the game, and explains them well, but he wants the game to always be about him. And apart from last hitting, (which I will admit he helped me out a lot) he is as good as someone with 150 wins or someone around there. Eosin and merlini are much better. Watch merlini plays dota 2 skywrath and invoker. Great commentary, fantastic playing. Just superb. Btw sorry if I've offended anyone by hating on purge


                                                                                  Like I said, I agree with you. I just know that he was one of the first people I managed to find who has helped me really understand how to better play certain heroes. I use his guides a lot, in-game, because they are consistent, thought out, and well explained why you use certain items or skills. Unlike some that people have put out that have 0 information aside from what you use.

                                                                                  I have started watching some other players, but he was one of the first I found. The main thing is that he *talks* about what is going on, unlike watching others where you're left wondering what they are doing or what their strat is behind something.


                                                                                    yeah. He's good for new players. He does point out mistakes, which is good, but he goes overboard a fair bit. watch merlini though. The dude is so pro. Lands every sunstrike and pulls off everything in a perfect combo


                                                                                      I have begun to notice a lot of what you said with purge, thought a lot of that might also be attributed to the ranked aspect now. I AM interested to see hwo Zephyr does in NSL, however. I think they play in the next couple days.


                                                                                        Merlini is AZN. Gets auto +10 to gaming.

                                                                                        Ron Swanson

                                                                                          Merlini use to play professionally and still plays here and there so when you compare him to someone like purge of course theres a gap. Im not defending purge, but gotta give credit where credit is due and i did learn here and there from purge.
                                                                                          We should play ina game sometimes! im on the west coast. anyone wanna coach me through some random ranked games? i wanna see how thats like.

                                                                                          Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                                                                                            coach option is disabled @ ranking

                                                                                            Ron Swanson

                                                                                              Wassup iron leg, lol i didnt know that thanks for the enlightenment.

                                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!