General Discussion

General DiscussionStrong, easy carries?

Strong, easy carries? in General Discussion

    I've been playing about a year now, hit 3.4k MMR, and have always stuck to mid heroes, solo offlaners, and supports because carrying has never been my thing (such feed, not very last hit, wow). Last night, and a few nights before, I gave Luna a whirl and actually did damned good.

    My question is, what other non-trash tier carries are there that are as easy as she is, and as useful in the early mid game as she is? I always get punished by wanting to participate to early with most carries that I try.


      > Mirana
      > Phantom Lancer (drums + diffusal then hit everyone)
      > Lifestealer
      > Anti-mage


        Have yet to try Mirana. Will give it a go soon
        I can play PL, I just feel dirty doing so.
        Every time I try lifestealer, I fail miserably.
        Lol, Antimage doesn't work when you solo queue. I've played so many game with him where I farm and split push like a boss, only to lose 30 minutes in because my team thought that picking two more carries AFTER an Antimage is a legit strat.


          wraith king -> just need mana management skill/soul ring
          warlock -> ulti -> ggwp
          jugg -> aghanim + deso -> win
          QOP -> just need positioning


            Wraith King, only one button.




                "My question is, what other non-trash tier carries are there that are as easy as she is, and as useful in the early mid game as she is?"

                Gyrocopter and Tiny


                  Gyro is good during all stages of the game.


                    Weaver, Ursa and Viper.
                    Viper can also wreck mid lane


                      lycan, last patch make him become so damn awesome !

                      try it, 8 minute roshan for me.




                          ^wut. one of the more complicated carries in the game.
                          play Wraith King :3


                            nw is not complicated
                            just do not overextend


                              just make shadow blade press 2 buttons and kill everyone

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                                but still not easier than,lets say, WK,sniper,drow,ursa(?)


                                  LOL weaver complicated? And he said "non-trash" so mentioning sniper and drow is kinda pointless


                                    BTW, when I said carries, I meant farming safe lane hard carries. I play the mid heroes like QoP and gankers in the offlane like Slark rather well, in my bracket at least.

                                    Thanks for the responses!

                                    @Flop, I hadn't given Lycan a thought at all. I might have to try him out (Michael Skills, be strong, ples)


                                      play QOP safelane :p

                                      Manny Mammoth

                                        Luna is the GOAT Carry

                                        Quick maffs

                                          I cant win if i play safe lane carries so i just dont play safelane carries.

                                          Well sometimes i play PL but i fell bad about it so yeah ...


                                            SOLO QUEUE ANTIMAGE IS POSSBILE ;P


                                              retarded in all stages of the game. preys on stupid pubbers.

                                              Quick maffs

                                                ^I can confirm that


                                                  ^^ Just make sure you have a high enough ranked score to get teammates that know he's not a fucking support.
                                                  3.9k (my current rank) doesn't seem to be enough...either that or my friends are stupid. No, scratch that. My friends are stupid, looking back at my matches, probably a 90% of my Necro losses were with my friends ._.



                                                    every hero is the same

                                                    if u got proper positioning and decision making u will do well if not then go disband


                                                      laning ls with midas>phase>armlet>mobility item (not basher like everyone does) gg.


                                                        Viper, Bristleback, Terrorblade - strong and easy carry heroes

                                                        Sup m8

                                                          tinker carry is best carry

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            I dont know man when i had to support with necro what i usually do its playing like a greedy support, but oh well i am probably the worst support player in dota so whatever.

                                                            btw dont get bloodstone ( everytime i get bloodstone i regret it ), dont get mana boots and if you are mid shivas > healves halbeard probably.

                                                            I just think mek, pipe, shivas, skadi or heart is the way to go. Btw blademail is really strong on him too, you heal a lot so you will have more hp than your enemies.

                                                            Anyway i dont think item build is that important on necro, i would say lvl`s is what matters the most with him, what a nice hero.

                                                            GL in your future necro games :D tell your friends to fuck off if they dont let you play him mid zano


                                                              get dagon
                                                              walk up to enemy hero

                                                              repeat while maxing out burst damage

                                                              enemy team calls necro broken


                                                                ^^ Heh, thanks for that, I hope I get better luck next time too. Yes, luck, because I also have, I think, 2 Necro games which I won but count as losses here. Life's hard, but you have to deal with it :)

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  ^^ I really dont like the dagon build, i mean its cool and shit but your ulti has a long cooldown so i like to focus on staying alive on fights and using death pulse all the time.

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                                                                  Vanity  ツ

                                                                    Spectre is pretty good if your supports know how to play, and you get a good lane against a solo offlaner. Besides that, juggernaut is also pretty strong in pubs and he doesn't need a good lane to be useful


                                                                      Anti-mage really isn't that bad solo queue if you just play him differently according to the situation, and you make sure that you do push lanes to help your team, not just afk jungle, even if that gives you more farm. Also he actually does a fair amount of right-click damage in the early laning phase - if you're not getting good farm, going for kills in lane is not impossible. 3.1k solo MMR here so noob supports isn't an excuse for you :p

                                                                      I think the most important thing though that I've found when playing Anti-mage, and perhaps all carries, is YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT COME ACROSS AS A DICK. You've already picked the most demanding/greedy hero in the game, asking for wards/ganks is going to make your support(s) ignore you entirely. If you haven't got any wards in the jungle, suck it up and buy them yourself - it's four last hits worth of gold. Say 'gj' and 'ty' every time there's even a remotely good excuse - it helps generally but I think it's especially important for carries like AM.


                                                                        spamming death pulse loses its effectiveness as the game goes on. whereas going the dagon route allows you to kill off the enemies highest priority target whenever you want. after that you have an easy push. also gives him great pickoff potential.

                                                                        also the dagon build actually gives great survivabillity provided you get a ghost scepter(later built into eblade)/aghas or both. and gold should never be a problem.

                                                                        also @above is right on every carry. and @2postsup thats true for every carry (the supports part).

                                                                        if you want to have a good time and a good winning % in pubs don't pick hard carries and if you do dont pick lategame oriented builds since games are decided in the first 15-25 mins of pubs. getting things like drums and stuff and not going ultrafarm is super important. if you can help your team a lot by being in fights and getting good farm you'll have a better time.


                                                                          "spamming death pulse loses its effectiveness as the game goes on."
                                                                          While that is indeed true, the idea of picking Necrophos is to generally don't extend the game too much and finish it fast.


                                                                            If you're smart about teamfighting, faceless void but requires farm. A good chronosphere can stop the teamfight from even happening.


                                                                              Bristleback is good at every stage of game aslong u get fast vanguard+pt

                                                                              one and half gun

                                                                                why is void such a great counter to sf


                                                                                  can u all fuckin remove void from ur mind? why ppl cant just act like he doesnt exist, my games will be better


                                                                                    like its fuckin so old meta when u could pick a 4+1 and farm wihtout being harassed for 60min

                                                                                    wake the fuck up ppl


                                                                                      not really just void. its all the retards that pick carries and do stupid builds like gloves of haste and tangoes at the start of game on alch and radiance spec first item and shit like that.



                                                                                        sniper. at 3.4k mmr. sniper still a good one. and easy.


                                                                                          Spectre is about as easy as a carry gets. You push r and your job is pretty much over.


                                                                                            the only easy thing about spectre is you don't have to control his illusion
                                                                                            for other thing many carries are easier




                                                                                                ^true lol

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                                                                                                      Try Weaver. You need a few games to burn his mechanics into your head, but that ultimate is damn strong, especially once the mana cost has dropped. If you have a CM or KoTL to keep your mana topped up early game weaver is hard to deal with.

                                                                                                      Ring of Aquila is a standard item for weaver now IMO with a total +18 damage from +9 Agility and +9 damage for 985G
                                                                                                      Linkens next can be optional as it is quite pricey and with your Geminate Attack you could opt to spend <5K gold on damage items and be more aggressive early on. As weaver doesn't really need a lot intermediate items thanks to his half decent escape and ulti you can usually have a Linkens by 15 minutes, so you could probably have a 12 minute desolator instead and just watch people melt and farm a Linkens pretty quickly after. This is situational though, as you will be vulnerable without the mana regen and the block.

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