Slark is so cute.
It makes me think that he ties himself to others, because he wants a hug. =)
lets play some doto i dont even care if its ranked party
edit cause fail
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I guess instead of deleting you guys should edit and write something else so people actually won't know that you tried and failed.
It would be second time that i wrote :kappa: and :greyface: and failed, my life doesn't have meaning anymore.
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Hello community,
As the stretch goals have increased new ideas have been funded within the community and [color=#00FFFF]emotes have been added to the forums[/color]. This post will be included in my "Welcome" thread, listed here, however I felt that it was needed to make a separate post as that one you are likely to use once and discard.
Like a bad hooker, amifuckingright?Anywho, I was requested to post this so forgive me if you are already aware. Here are a list of the emotes now available on dotabuff forums and usable in the [color=#00FFFF]Dota 2 client[/color] as well.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- blush
- kappa
Emotes are used in the same manner as Steam Emotes. Simply add : : to the front and back of a word.
For a better community,