General Discussion

General DiscussionTreant protector

Treant protector in General Discussion

    Gonna spam treant for mmr any advice ??

    but u said dota was fun :(

      Dude. In recalibration, it is not wise to spam a hero (support or carry) unless you're really good at it. If you don't have a best hero (support or carry again), adapt. The game only depends on wins (alleged) and would most definitely be a situational game. You just can't pick treant just because.

      13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

        Get 1-3-3-2-3-4-3-1-1-1. Get lvl 1 Natures guise at lvl 1 to zone out enemy offlaner with your absurd amounts of damage and scout freely on your lane. Get lvl 1 leech seed at lvl 4 to have a reliable slow+heal to secure a kill on the enemy. Max living armor first because it is the most broken thing in the game atm and scales very well every level, it gives 80/200/360/560/760(talent) EHP +the regen for your Allies and Towers every 12 seconds. I can't count how many times I've saved an ally because of this skill, I can't also count how many times we've won without any of our towers getting destroyed.

        Get stout at lvl 1 to trade hits with the enemy offlaner, 90% of the time you can solo zone them. Mana boots to sustain for your armor spam then I always get gem after mana boots coupled with natures guise to secure mapcontrol on the map (dewarding every ward they have). After that, whatever the team needs (Pipe/Crimson Guard/Greaves)


          @sunday well i already calibrated to legend 2


            @NoMasChenko thanks bro

            Potato Marshal

              I go greedy with an orb of venom at the start. Max armor first, leech seed second, and have a value point in nature guise at the start. I almost always save armor for other lanes and use leech seed to heal myself and lane partner(s). Most people go tranquil, but I still prefer arcanes for how I much I spam armor.

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              SASA POPOVIC

                Only problem i have with master tree is that he is so damn squishy! Even with a medalion! You can trade like a boss in laning stage but after that you are pretty meh, raching 25 lvl for that dank AoE living armor talent is rare pepe.

                BTW Potato on lvl 10 do you take 2 living armor instance or CD reduction? I play it with meme hammer so cd reduction is too dank to pass by but sometimes 2 instances on living is very valuable...

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                Potato Marshal

                  Always cooldown, armor instances are too easily removed. Having an extra 1+ second off armor cooldown is about as good as an extra 2 armor instances, but the cooldown effects leech seed and your ult too, especially good if you're getting aghs, or most other treant builds in general too.

                  SASA POPOVIC

                    Thanks man, i usually play tree on offlane as dual partner for jakiro/sk/undying to tilt enemy carry.

                    I dont really feel useful playing pos5 on safelane without realiable short cd hard disable...


                      i'd only play him as a 5 with a stun or a strong slow on my carry
                      starting with boots is a good thing for sure


                        max W first


                          LUL maxing armour

                          leech seed is the MVP spell of treant


                            There are different ways you can play on Treant. I suggest you always max 3rd skill because it has a good synergy with your level 10 talent.

                            Also stacking or pulling camps on Treant is a nightmare. Try to focus more on zoning out enemy heroes or killing them.

                            Keep in mind that slarks dark pact gets rid of your armor stacks. So, always try to give him armor after he used his skill not before.

                            If you're invisible you can tp somewhere and still be invisible. Always try to tp near trees so you stay invisible.

                            Same mechanics work with blink dagger. If you were invisible you can blink to another tree and still be invisible. Very useful when you go hg or chase some1 in the woods.

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                              Okay I thought maybe it's not as strong as I originally formulated, but I was wrong and now I'm convinced Leech Seed will save my calibration.


                                it doubles damage on every lvl i think? at least when i used to play treant in like 6.XX, but most importantly it stops heros from running away from you (which means they will eat 90dmg slaps to the face while taking 200 DoT while you get healed so they ant even trade)


                                  Leech Seed is good. It's actually a really good skill. However, you don't really need dmg from your skill because you don't solo kill ppl. It's just a disable. You just need a slow not a super slow. You always need someone to help you to compensate for dmg.

                                  Also Treant protector doesn't have a lot of exp. Thus, he is always low lvl doesn't matter on what position 4 or 5. If you max your Leech Seed first you cant heal towers on level seven. It means that enemy can easily push mid or your hard lane tower because you can't heal them super quick (cd is too long). Moreover, you won't have global presence with 1 point in living armor (when you are level 7). It's just not that great.

                                  Level 10 talent gives you 2 stacks to your armor. Your living armor with 9 stacks can block around ~800hp --> this is so OP. It's just broken. Nine stacks is way too much.
                                  If you play Treant as position 4 ---> dual offlane I think it's wise to max your first skill because you can apply more pressure on your enemy. You get higher MS speed plus you force supports to buy a lot of wards. Also faster invis times increase your survivability. And for sure you get to bash a lot. For example, you can check enemy's woods and bash someone there up to three times. That's just mine opinion and I think maxing Treant's second skill is valid as well as maxing his first one on hard lane.

                                  Frankly, you can't go wrong if you max any of his skills because all of them are useful and strong.

                                  But I still feel like maxing his living armor is the best way to play this hero. Especially, in this dual offlane meta because you don't rotate a lot.

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