General Discussion

General Discussionshare your meepo hotkeys and tips

share your meepo hotkeys and tips in General Discussion
0 pullout game

    plz only 5k mmr players share, dont want 3k adivce, thx

    This topic was edited

      1- all meepo
      2- all clones
      3- 1st clone then 3rd clone
      4- 2nd clone then 4th clone
      5-8 - one meepo clone for each

      I get ult at lvl 3 so i can use it to stack, meepo will lose most mid matchups early on anyway, i got triple wraith band then sb/dagger into ethereal since the stats rework made this item a good source of agility and damage and is quite easy to farm at 15 mins.

      By the time u reach lvl 18 u should take rs then try to smoke with ur team to gank, take towers then end.
      Note that scythe of vyse rush can be better in some cases, in case you are having trouble against counters(aoe disablers) otherwise go for ethereal blades cuz it provides a huge boost in ur pushing capabilities.

      If game does go late, i get heart for survivability and skadi for survivability and slow that it provides and upgrade my shadow blade into silver edge for shorter cd and it will provide u more chance to blink in and initiate or catch annoying heroes like tinker

      0 pullout game

        thank you

        quest to questing

          used to bind them F1~F5 dota 1 style

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