General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan nerfs are real

Lycan nerfs are real in General Discussion

    Why do they keep nerfing him like every patch. I really don't think hes that strong of a hero.


      because pros think he is
      and he gets banned like every game in the qualifier


        Wolves need no armor


          Very powerful pusher that comes online way before someone like terrorblade. Super strong in pro scene when combod with Beastmaster or Chen, creep swarm can wipe tons of buildings after only one teamfight.


            Meanwhile Riki is OP as fuck because pros don't care about the hero


              Assuming you give him a free lane, those nerfs do absolutely nothing (don't do it, its a trap.. Right click him non stop till he gives up *eg, my last game*)

              Lycan's timings are faster than any other carry in the game except maybe there is an argument for a visage.

              5min HOTD, Tier 1 tower. 15min All Tier 1's Necro 3 HOTD.. 20mins All Tier 2's BKB Rosh.... 21min Highground.

              The hero is very very systematic the way it plays, There isn't alot of carrys that can come online for the same timing windows that a lycan does, which makes him very uncontested when he is picked.

              Think a jug's timings..
              5min - Phase Aquila Wand, 8min Tier 1. 14min Battlefury, 20min SnY... So you'd be a 20min Fury, SNY, Phase, Aquila jug with no towers left, no roshan and an aegis necro 3 bkb lycan knocking on your front door.. (assuming you got the space to farm) *i think this build is aids btw, Maelstorm is still OP, but this would be what you'd expect from your average pubernaught*

              5mins - Treads, Aquila, Wand - 8mins Tier 1 . 15mins - All Tier 1's Diffusal - 18mins Yasha Diffusal - 20mins Yasha diffusal ultimate orb.


              5mins - Phase, Aquilla, ROH - 10mins Tier 1, Vguard, Stick+600 gold, 16mins, Relic.. 18mins Radiance... 20mins all Tier 1's

              You can see by most carries 'Standard' timings, assuming they aren't FED or disrupted from farming.. its very very hard to fight a lycan when he hits his timings.

              The issue with lycan is he scales linearly, there is timings that you need to hit, if you don't hit them.. you're going to fall really far down the rabbit hole and the game becomes some wierd 'i hope i can close this game out before they can stop it'

              SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                Point is that this is a hard nerf as he wont have free lanes in pub so easily so this nerf is bad for him by making his laning much weaker as this hero does not have a come back capability at all.

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