General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get MMR on Sea server ?

How to get MMR on Sea server ? in General Discussion

    i played 2k+ normal game on sea abt 2 years ..

    when i was total noob i spammed ranked 2.5years ago and got below 1k mmr but after season 1 update i started to play ranked also before i start playing ranked games i tried few normal games and got hs and 1 vhs games but calibrated on guardian 4 i managed to get archon 2 with help of party and solo(not much party) and on season 2 i got crusader 4 after i calibrate party i got archon 2 now i stuck at same place where team sucks (sometimes i do xD) ..should i change my server to any other? plz help me ..and sorry for bad english ) thanks in advance


      you dont need to change your servers, just spam heroes on the meta and practice it on nm, just grind on the cancerous servers


        It's all on you.

        I played support. Started playing in dota 2. Worked my way up to where I am now (just calibrated Legend 4 from Ancient 1 last season). It's all about playing to improve.


          Good start would be changing nickname from "carry only" to something more suitable for a normal human being.

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            ty bro's also my is just carry only but i play support too don'
            t even thing im sea cancer


              @pilot bro u calibrated from leg to ancients where no noobs carry or support much but im on cancer bracket where everyone picks carry dont know to carry and picks support never supports even if support they just auto attack from first wave i support like 5k-4k golds if i do but no one carry the game


                even my last game picked some guy ember against meepo but made magical build with true strike talent where enemies have no evasion or evade items also mirana said she or he will roam but 0 arrow hit atleast no one picks soon they wait for lose gold so i picked huskar enemy meepo after me but ember asked me to mid but failed to itemization even i said go physical but he didnt


                  have you tried buying wards?


                    @carry only so you are the best player in your bracket right? just like every other peenoi indog on sea server. there's a reason you are where you are.

                    i used to always complain about shit supp shit carries feeding offlane and what not. but when i take a look at my own replays i realise how shitty i actually play.

                    go fucking learn how to play before you keep crying about being stuck in a shitstain bracket where you belong.


                      good luck finding a game on sea server where someone isnt feeding down mid, giving up mid way, intentionally ruining your teams game, feeding couriers, dual carry/mid or screaming at each other until they tilt and give up. that server is pure cancer from herald to immortal.


                        @carry only

                        You forget, I started way below your bracket probably. I had 0 knowledge coming into dota 2. I only calibrated into Legend/Ancient because of many hours of putting the effort into improving my game.

                        There is no controlling what your teammates can do. You can only control what you can do.


                        Idk what your behavior score is but in my experience, I've only had trash talk in my games (and that doesn't even happen every game), I've never had people feeding couriers/walking down mid/etc.


                          Lol, improve dont blame

                          unbreakable spirit

                            @gucci like no other server has these people, for a long time I'm not getting any cancer games, that's because there's a thing called coordinating the team, if u do that properly people won't rage or flame each other, I've missed plenty of hooks when I play pudge I haven't heared gg hook pudge for a long time, it's about your attitude towards others too, u get what u throw at others.
                            @carry only
                            The thing is pick the most broken hero of the current meta, and farm hard, doesn't matter if u have five cores, pick Spectre or something. And you will win, dont forget that enemy team is the same as your team,, they too tilt and rage! Eventually you will get out of your bracket :)


                              @rinnenine i fucking didnt said im pro at my bracket atleast im better in my games but not team fuckibg read before butthurts starts


                                First step
                                Stop blaming you cant change people

                                Second step
                                Improve yourself
                                If u think u are better than your teammates try to be better than the enemy



                                    @heaven im not blaming bro i just asked but that guy tries to defend sea server ppls for no reason ty i will try to improve my skills

                                    @triplesteal- lul


                                      @hansolo i ward when i support(atleast 3k + gold minimum without stealing lh from carry also roam ) or even when doing pos 3 i buy wards sometimes and also as carry i do it if team not warding ... I try my best


                                        Getting a good behavior score helps. Split pushing, Ratting, not picking into your hard counters. (IE: Picking meepo into a WW, Axe, Tinker, ES etc...)


                                          just stick to few heroes.

                                          BKB is for the weak

                                            Pray to lord that you dont get a retarded teammate. Ban sniper always. Pick a support when needed.

                                            DUAARRRR KONTOL

                                              Spam spectre. Low bracket game will always end about 50+ mnt
                                              Use that to your advantage


                                                get normal behavior score,then improve
                                                mmr seriously going to cash out if your skillz is going up


                                                  or just..learn op heroes

                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!